Twitter accounts you should follow for Bitshares news

in bitshares •  7 years ago  (edited)

These are some of the key bitshares twitter accounts to follow if you want to keep up to date with the latest bitshares new and strengthen our twitter presence as a community.

@bitshares @rudex_bitshares @OpenLedgerDC @BitsparkBTC @bituniverse_org @DooroneDEX @bitspacetweet @BlockPay_ch @bitkapital @Agorise_world @CryptoBridge @kevinmesserly @btsfav @BLCKCHND @Trexicon8 @wmbutler @CryptoBridge @btswolf @btsbreakout @PREMAPowerteam @_michaelx @jonnybitcoin

Please add your twitter username if you tweet about bitshares stuff and want to be followed

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You post @agorise_world twice. @kencode is worth mentioning twice.

I'm not tweeting about bitshares specifically, but I do have a steemer twitlist going with almost 150 steemers on it now.

I'm tweeting my own steemit posts and those I upvote to promote them. I also rt from this list and so do some of the other people on it. Since I started this I have about 100 new "crypto" followers who are unrelated to steemit, so this list is a good resource for me.

You or anyone can join this list by tweeting to me or rting any of my tweets or by tweeting with #steemit in your tweet text. I go through and review those tweets to add people once a week or so.

Nice to see someone else using twitter. It's a cold, dead world out there and the more action - the better!

Thanks king for the info