A Statement Regarding Stan Larimer on Behalf of the Larimer Family

in bitshares •  6 years ago  (edited)


On behalf of the Larimer family, I have been asked to issue a statement regarding @Stan Larimer.

Everyone knows that Stan works tirelessly to promote BitShares, advocate for it's adoption, and travels frequently to promote the ecosystem at conferences and events.


While in the midst of his recent travels, Stan has suffered from a medical issue that has resulted in him being hospitalized. Further complications occurred, and he was transferred to a nearby facility that could address his condition appropriately.

At this time, Stan is in critical care but very in a stable condition, and under 24 hour monitoring by a team of physicians. He is making strides to a full recovery. Luckily, his episode happened in close proximity to one of the finest hospitals in the country, in which he is now under their care.


The family appreciates any and all prayers, and positive thoughts for Stan and the rest of his family. Please keep Stan and everyone in your thoughts.

On the subject of currently projects under development, while it is unfortunate that the timing of this coincides with the launch of BEOS, as well as a few other projects. We will be postponing the launch of the rainfall period for a few weeks. We will be announcing a date in the coming days, and we are trying to allow Stan some time to recover in order to allow him to participate in the project.


For the time being, Stan will not be participating in any travel or working in any capacity. If you would like to assist various teams in helping launch projects by supporting them in the best way you can, please do so as it is Stan's ardent wish to see them not just launch, but to succeed. Any assistance of time, skills, or resources is greatly appreciated.

Please reserve your questions and speculation for now, as there will be forthcoming news about his condition and recovery in the coming days and weeks.


The Larimer family would appreciate privacy at this time so they may direct their attention to what is most important to all of us, which is Stan's recovery.

Please direct all business questions, concerns, or assistance regarding communication for Stan to Michael, as he is currently handling all business matters for Stan during this time.

Show your support by leaving a quick message for @stan to read when he is able to see it.

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On behalf of the BitShares Core Team, we wish @stan a full and swift recovery. From the BitShares family to the Larimer family we send our love and support. Godspeed

Wishing Stan a speedy recovery! So glad it sounds like he is getting great care. Thanks for the update Michael.

That sucks. I wish him all the best and a quick recovery.

Stan is the kindest man I know.

Without a doubt.

On behalf of the BitShares Blockchain Foundation, we wish @stan a speedy recovery. May you soon return in good health to continue doing the great things you do for the Community. Meanwhile, we wish you and the Larimer family all the best. You are in our thoughts. Thank you @michealx for sharing this update with us.

I'm so sorry to read this. @stan is my all time favorite explainer of blockchain related things.

I'm sure that his good spirit and loving family and friends will help him immensely.

Wishing Stan, fast recovery and all the best !!!

Hope you have get well at the speed of a Bitshares transaction @stan. Praying for you.

So very sorry to hear this news. My heart and thoughts will on you Stan and may your recovery be swift and complete.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Thank you Michael for keeping us updated. I'd been wondering where Stan was, but I never imagined this. Indeed very sad and shocking news. I second @onceapounatime sentiment. When I first arrived here in the bitshares community Stan reached out to me with kindness and support. There is no person (except for maybe you Michael) who does more for bitshares and is kind to others along the way. I hope to (at the very least) one day meet you Stan and shake your hand and say thank you. But for now I wish you a speedy recovery. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Get well Stan. You are in our Thoughts and Prayers.

Posted using Partiko iOS

We love you Stan, I'm praying for your speedy recovery, we miss you deeply here and it would be really good to see you when you are better again, best wishes and prayers to all your family and those affected xx

Godspeed, Stan!

Praying here for you and your entire family!



get well soon @stan! You're in my thoughts!

Stan and the Larimer family are in my thoughts for certain.

Speedy recovery and rehabilitation!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I wish him speedy recovery...He is a legend

im sorry to hear this. wishing you all the best stan.

Get better Stan:)

Get well soon Stan... Good morning have a nice weekend.

Best wishes and prayers for the Larimer family.

Sending prayers and best wishes to Stan for a quick recovery. Looking forward to seeing Stan again soon on @bluerocktalk with Connie for more insight and entertainment! I always learn something from Stan, and I also like the way he handles everything with good humor and respect.

I hope Stan will be okay. He is a legend in crypto and an all around nice guy.

hopefully it will be useful for all of us

Praying for a speedy recovery @stan. On behalf of @Autonio and myself, our thoughts and prayers are with you as you pull through this!

Wishing a quick recovery to Stan and I hope to see him back in the fields as soon as he can. What doesn't kills us makes us stronger says an old saying :) Alfredo from the bitshares core team.

To Stan Larrimer: I wish you a speedy recovery! I find your vision of a more decentralized world inspiring.

Sorry to hear this news. Thanks Michaelx. We only have one health. Time to heal.

My heartfelt prayers for the speedy recovery of @stan and for the fortitude of the whole family during this time. I know @stan's faith and strength will see him through <3 <3

prayers to Stan and his family!

My heart just sank reading this, I do wish that he recovers quickly and that his family is doing okay. While I’ve never met Stan, I’ve listened to him on all the Crypto Connie episodes plus many of his lectures and it is very clear to me that that he is truly a great man. Get well soon Stan!

Get well soon, Stan. You're in our thoughts and prayers.

Prayers to Stan and his family! Everyone @eostribe is hoping for a fast recovery.

Best wishes and prayers for the Larimer family.
@stan get well soon buddy, we miss you!

Get well soon @stan 💕

Any updates on this? As with all the others, wishing Stan a speedy recovery.

These are my first ever words on Steemit as I just signed on within the hour as I write. I've been following Stan for about a year through @BlueRockTalk with Connie Willis. My prayers have been and are with you every day, Stan. Get well and be strong again. Your community loves you and needs you. May God strengthen you and your family and bring you a speedy recovery. Btw, you know me as Betty A. We await your positive presence again soon.

Get well soon Stan