So what's "RAMfall"? (hint: an opportunity)

in bitshares •  5 years ago 

There's still a little over 20 days


to catch the BEOS tokens raining down

on participating bitshares hodlers. Don't tell me you have been missing out by keeping your bitshares on a centralized exchange?? Now, why would you do that? Bring them home to the decentralized BitShares exchange, the DEX. From there you have the opportunity to become a participant in the BEOS rainfall of tokens.



But @onceuponatime, that's too much hassle

just to catch the last days of BEOS rainfall. I know I should have done my research, pulled my bitshares off of the centralized exchanges, and gotten involved at the very beginning of the 89 days of rainfall. BUT I DIDN'T. AND NOW, IS IT REALLY WORTH THE HASSLE?


>>>YOU BET IT IS!!!<<<

Not many people are realizing that a "RAMfall" of RAM tokens has been going on simultaneously with the "rainfall" of BEOS tokens accumulating to participating bitshares holders. Although both commenced at the same time, the "RAMfall" will continue for over 400 more days. Beyond that, more opportunities are to be announced in the near future which will be available to those who have brought their bitshares home to the DEX. Yes, announcements are coming, possibly as soon as when Stan Larimer returns from his week long cruise, New York to the Caribbean and back, accompanied by his son Dan. (A week of good R & R should be enough to get anyone ready to make some new announcements LOL)



Why are you missing out?



ouzo and out,

There is a plan!
(It's unfolding NOW)

Please spread the word about BEOS


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I just signed up. Looks like I have time to move some token around and catch the rain ☺ Thank you!

Posted using Partiko Android

Not only can you still catch some BEOS tokens, but the RAM tokens will be raining down on participants for over 400 more days. AND THERE IS MORE GOOD NEWS VERY SOON.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Looking forward to it. I basically signed into and used my bts sign in... Don't tell me it's that easy 'cause I'll be mad I didn't do this a lot sooner! 😐

Watch Michael's walk-through video all the way through once, and then rewind to the beginning of the process and pause it as you complete each step. That should do it for you, but if you do happen to get hung up anywhere you can ask questions in the Telegram channel dedicated to BEOS. There are hundreds of people there who have successfully staked their bitshares to participate in the rainfall:

Thank you, @onceuponatime, for this spectacular, golden opportunity! :D



We aim to please!


Thank's for mentioning this a few months back, I put what little bitshares I had into making an account, and then bought more so I could get the most out of the rainfall :')

The benefits will be ongoing!

Ready for the rainfall!!

Please don't tell me that you haven't been standing in the rain all this time!

Please don't tell me that
You haven't been standing in
The rain all this time!

                 - onceuponatime

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Yes and no...I made an account through one of your posts a long while back but I committed the horrible faux pas of losing the password 😢 I have my new account's password locked up somewhere safe this time!

I've been happy to be getting BEOS and RAM since day one of BEOS rainfall. :)

But, where is @stan lately? I hope he is okay. Any word from him?

"possibly as soon as when Stan Larimer returns from his week long cruise, New York to the Caribbean and back, accompanied by his son Dan."

Thanks for that info! I had heard talk of a family cruise but I thought that was some weeks ago. I hope the family is having a great time. They have been working hard and it's great that they are taking some time to relax and enjoy themselves!

Posted using Partiko Android

Another great opportunity awaits

I would have hoped that you had already taken advantage of it :-)

Another day another fomo. Bring em on!

Posted using Partiko Android

Not many (any) fomo's like this one :-)

So I should really go into beos? I only have a few bts.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Well, I may be prejudiced, but I think that if you only have a few bitshares maybe you shouldn't be in crypto at all :-)


Choose steem 2 years ago. Today is my 2 year anniversary

Posted using Partiko iOS

I wish all the best to your project.....

Are you a participant?

No, I do not... I don't have bitshares.I've transformed all to wls

Oh well. Better luck next time.

(Or you could play it smart and buy/trade for some bitshares)


It seems I still certainly have a bitshare account and some bit share tokens also

Well then if you are paying attention you have an opportunity open to you.