As we slowly approach the new age of decentralized exchanges, more and more people are looking for a good polo/'trex/etc alternative. We all know that there is already a fierce competition in the dex field. Right now it looks like our main competitor is waves - although we have consistently better daily volume, they've been on the market for a lot less time than we have and already have bigger following (at least at twitter they have x1.5 more followers than we do if that can be used as a metric).
I know that our platform is better in every way (I can't relate to even the UI complaints), but it worries me that people won't care. Their marketing is better, more people are hearing about them and it won't matter to them that the order matching is centralized - for a non-tech trader as long as it works fast and reliably it will be a go to platform. And it will work fast and reliably, at least for some time - they will not shoot themselves in the foot with front running.
As we all know better tech doesn't always win, marketing does.
We also know that Stan is organising a huge marketing effort for the billion hero campaign and has hired some strong names in the marketing business. Personally I have no idea where it stands right now, because he hasn't published relevant updates for some time, and what his exact gameplan is too.
What I want to ask is why not hire the same guys that Stan has, who it seems are already familiar with our product, to take on the "routine" marketing for bitshares?
Or do you think it's redundant because the hero campaign will do it anyways? I just feel like I'm sitting in the dark, waiting for a miracle to happen. "Soon, guys, soon the Mighty Stan will come and shine the light through our dark cave, you just have to beleive..."
I just want to see your thoughts on this, no disrespect to anyone.