In the Know, Knowledge About Bitshares - Protoshares End Vesting in November - Bitshares will go up all things being equal

in bitshares •  9 years ago 

Only people in the know actually are aware that 500 million Bitshares end vesting in November 2016 due to the merger of Bitshares, Bitshares DNS, Bitshares Vote, AGS, and Protoshares (PTS). The rationale for the merger was to make 1 chain. This continual release of more Bitshares tokens has been a dampening factor in the Bitshares price since November 2014.

As this vesting period is about to end, it is thought by some Bitshares/Steem whales that there will be a huge rise in value in October in anticipation of the vesting period ending. Also these whales may try to push the price up even higher and this could be a sustained rise.

Also, there are rumors that Dan and Stan Larimer may revive development in Bitshares as they are now multimillionaires.

You may not be aware but there is life in Bitshares. An example is Ronny Boesing owner of He is rallying the global small business community through Chambers of Commerce all over the world to make User-Issued Assets (UIAs) on Bitshares. He has had some success bringing UIAs to the market for his own business and for other business owners. Examples of his UIAs are ICO OpenLedger (ICOO), BitTeaser (BTSR) and Openledger (OBITS).

ICO Openledger buys new coins in prelaunch that look promising and then sells them for a profit, here is a link for more information . BitTeaser is a advertising network on the blockchain, here is a link for more information Lastly he started which is a decentralized exchange/wallet. Pretty much and in one.

UIAs that helped bring to the market are HEAT Ledger ( ), and Solcert.

This time around there is a web wallet through Bitshares Munich ( ) . This wallet is also an App on Android called the "Smartcoins Wallet" which you can download here In my opinion this was a biggest factor in why Bitshares did not take off when it was released, there were no wallets, Bitshares had to rely on outside exchanges which were getting hacked back then. A few months after Bitshares release Mtgox went down and took hundreds of millions with it.

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i am sure Stan and Dan will put their hard earned wealth to good use. Steem has been a great project and deserves everyones positive support and being that Bitshares is from the same camp it makes perfect sense to see them rise again to great heights. ; )

I read an interesting interview with @dan and by all accounts, he's a libertarian at heart. If he does choose to pick up the bitshares project again then it would impact it's progression in a positive way. I hope to be proved right as the whole bitshares project has many advantages over its rival.

It's marketing needs a major makeover/rebound though. Look where clever marketing got Ethereum... All the way to the top.

excellent info.

did you learn most of this within the Bitshares community forums?

I learned this from talking to people and the forums.

Thank you for all the links. i dive into it!

Thank you for the compilation . I am really excited about Bitshares Munich and BLockpay. I hope they keep things in line with data and payment regulations in participating countries and I Also hope to see some adoption. Or maybe a website in which people can actually help sell their pos systems.

Thank you chris4210 . U da man!

I was reading somewhere and, I hope I remember correctly, that the Chinese have imposed a few things on Bitshares and that's why @dan gave up on that. Who knows if he'll return...

An excellent summay!