What is the Fastest Blockchain?

in bitshares •  7 years ago  (edited)

If you were looking for a comparison on the different cryptocurrency speeds then look no further than Bitshares. Its the world's fastest blockchain.

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He says "Bitcoin does 7 tx in 10 minutes" and "Ethereum does 7 tx in 2 minutes". This is misleading. The column is "Transactions Per Second", meaning that's how many tx/s, and they're aggregated into a block. FYI, Ethereum's confirmation time is less than 30 seconds, not 2 minutes.

Thanks for the feedback. The point I am making though is if you want a more superior blockchain that can scale then nothing beats Bitshares.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Totally agree, but it helps to prove your point if you're using accurate data. You described Ethereum as having 7 tx every 2 minutes, when it's actually 210 every 30 seconds.

Don't forget that there's a lot more you can do on the Ethereum blockchain than on the Bitshares blockchain.

Edit: Also, as far as I can find, the highest tx/s I could find for Bitshares is 333 tx/s under stress testing.

you haven't made any ico's recently for sure

Are you kidding me? EOS 10,000 TPS

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