Smartcoins Added to Bitsquare - Your Help Still Needed

in bitsquare •  9 years ago 

As of last week, smartcoins have been added to the list of supported altcoins in #bitsquare.

Unfortunately, there is a very important detail that was left out, and that is the lack of price feed for any smartcoin that is not listen in an exchange (essentially, everything except bitUSD and bitCNY, to the best of my knowledge).


While other markets neatly converge near the price feed, here is how it looks for bitCHF (for instance):

But even more important than that, it is not possible to add percentage-based orders (where #bitsquare will adjust the price for an open order depending on market conditions), because .. there is no price feed.

I believe that this detail alone is enough to consign #smartcoins to a corner in #bitsquare.

How can you help?

Register, if you have not done so, at the bitsquare forum.

Once you are registered, read this thread and leave your thoughtful comment there.

If simply using the BTC/CHF feed in lieu of BTC/bitCHF is not enough, then it seems easy enough to grab the settlement price from the DEX.

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