Update report of bitsten exchange Bitsten has great potential to grow faster like other good exchange right now in market
Is it necessary to re-register in bitsten.com?
Yes, users who have signed up at bitstenmarket.com still have to re-register at bitsten.com, because a lot of users are inactive in the old platform, so it is necessary to register on this new platform.
Is it necessary to move the balance from bitstenmarket.com?
All bitstenmarket.com users must withdraw the balance from bitstenmarket.com and deposit to bitsten.com
When can I trade on bitsten.com?
We will immediately provide information as soon as everything is finished and the system is working properly.
When can we deposit to bitsten.com?
Deposit can be done now, first of all please generate new address in the deposit page, all transactions will enter normally.
Deposit Does Not Appear and the balance is ZERO.
If your balance becomes ZERO please go to the deposit page and generate new address. Your balance will reappear.
The address of the deposit address is lost.
Please generate new address, then your address will be back again and all balance deposit will appear.