in bittwatt •  6 years ago  (edited)


The Bittwatt system is a matchmaking platform which connects energy suppliers, producers and consumers, with a specific end goal to execute energy in a structured manner. It is an adaptable and flexible system that makes the best of every single accessible asset and can address client issues significantly more productively. However, Bittwatt has integrated metering administrations that permit both new and existing supplier to exchange energy and communicate rapidly in a timely manner inside a protected system.

Bittwatt does provide an institutionalized blockchain service to sharing significant business data while making a decentralized service for billing and balancing and for the supply of energy. Bittwatt enables different exchanges meant for distribution of universal energy cooperation through a protected multilateral structure, alongside exchange and energy arbitrage through its own created exchange and trading system.

What Problems does Bittwatt Solve?

The present vitality energy ecosystem is developed around the trading of what is basically unstructured data. What this means is that virtually all types of reports are utilized to either sell or purchase electricity, and an increasingly extensive number of ordinary processes leads just to higher costs. These are some of the problems that Bittwatt tends to solve:

a. The trading of energy between producers and suppliers or traders requires whole days for approval and fulfilment.
b. The consumption of End-consumer is accounted for monthly — in few to no cases do we see ongoing reporting as a genuine choice.
c. Electricity consumption from providers is executed with a latency of no less than 15 days, so unbalances can't, in any way, be accurately corrected.
d. The transfer of energy is mandatorily done through the earlier booking and setup of cross-border electric paths; also, once a cross-border path is reserved, it can't be utilized by more than a solitary party — as there is presently no framework set up to encourage multi-party exchange. In this case, despite multi-party exchange being both legitimate and rational --since two parties can profit simultaneously from an appropriate utilization of assets.

Bittwatt's Solution Marks for:

a. Demand-response adjustment.
b. Cost Saving
c. Significantly speeding up of purchasing, selling and billing.
d. Collaboration (within a secure, transparent, unified yet decentralized network).
e. The improvement of new business openings.
f. The organizing of an effectively controlled medium, without the need to make new legislation.

Bittwatt’s Vision

We imagine a universe of smart and reliable customers in a well sustainable framework with negligible expenses for all parties.

Bittwatt’s Mission

Our Mission is to be the first standard and international platform to coordinate and encourage cooperation between all market administrators for the consumer’s benefit.

Bittwatt’s Goal

With a view to achieving these objectives, Bittwatt is committed to:

• developing a blockchain enabled energy exchanging market that is straightforward, simple, and adds more value
to all its clients throughout the globe.
• growing internationally.

Conclusively, we're going to consider some of the Users’ Benefit from Bittwatt

Bittwatt tends to provide some benefits to their users; the fundamental benefits brought by Bittwatt are:

• Cost diminishment in comparison with other energy transfer frameworks;
• Increase in transfer speed;
• The possibility of extension to a substantial number of members or exchanges;
• The idea of making business models that don't require intermediate parties possible and conceivable.

For more info about this platform, and also to join the network, endeavor to visit this website (

(bountyhive username: victorheywhy)

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Nice write up and very good project

Much thanks to you. This is a great project indeed.

This is interesting, having a blockchain that connect the energy producers and suppliers to the customer is a great idea. This is worth investing in

Yeah, it's definitely worth investing in. Thanks a bunch for the review.

This is good and informative. Nice project

Thank you for the compliment mate. We can all change the world and make it a better place.

Thanks a lot for the review. It's a gret project indeed.