【仲記唔記得有位仁兄唔小心整唔見咗 7,500 個比特幣? 佢諗到條橋去搵返啲幣🤣】

in bixin •  4 years ago 

英國有個男人唔小心扔咗部電腦,部嘢個 hard disc 入面有 7,500 個比特幣。對呢 2.8 億美元念念不忘嘅佢諗到條橋,響垃圾堆填區搵返佢失去咗嘅嘢。 佢話:「我們哋估計有 300,000 至 400,000 噸廢物需要檢查」

James Howells 係一位 IT 工程師,佢喺 2013 年唔小心扔咗一部載有 7,500 個比特幣嘅舊電腦,但佢並冇放棄搵返佢嘅比特幣。 呢呢位來自英國紐波特市嘅 35 歲男子同太陽報分享咗佢用 X-ray 掃描設備同人工智能技術搜索堆填區嘅 12 個月計劃。


佢仲話佢們有一個帶有多個傳送帶、X 射線掃描設備同一個 AI 掃描設備嘅系統,可以訓練佢識別與硬盤驅動器大小同密度相似嘅物品。

【Man Who Accidentally Threw Away 7,500 Bitcoins on Hard Drive Has New Plan to Retrieve His Bitcoins🤣】

The British man who accidentally threw away a computer with 7,500 bitcoins on its hard drive has come up with a new plan to retrieve his lost coins from the city landfill. “We estimate there are between 300,000 – 400,000 tons of waste to look through,” he said.

James Howells, the man on mission to retrieve 7,500 lost Bitcoins, is an IT engineer who accidentally threw away the hard drive of an old computer containing 7,500 bitcoins back in 2013, has not given up his quest to retrieve his coins. The 35-year-old from the city of Newport in the U.K. has shared with The Sun publication his 12-month plan to search the city landfill using x-ray scanning devices and AI technology.

“This would be a proper search – not just somebody going in with a bucket and spade,” The British man affirmed.

“We have a system with multiple conveyor-belts, x-ray scanning devices and an AI scanning device that would be trained to recognise items that are a similar size and density to the hard drive. ”He added.

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