波蘭🇵🇱、羅馬尼亞🇷🇴嘅 Bitcoin ATM 全球頭十多

in bixin •  4 years ago 

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歐國盃邊個嬴咗冠軍你肯定知,但歐洲邊啲國家多 Bitcoin ATM 呢你又知唔知呢?

波蘭同羅馬尼亞呢兩個東歐國家嘅 Bitcoin ATM 全球頭十多。而全球嘅 Bitcoin ATM 種類在過去幾個月中暴增,宜家有已超過 23,000 部。

波蘭原來有好多 Bitcoin ATM 機,數目名列前矛

到目前為止,加密貨幣興起, 而且市場成本擴張, 導致世界各地 Bitcoin ATM 激增。大多數 Bitcoin ATM 比用戶用錢同信用卡購買幣,買同賣兩方面都支持。通常會提供比特幣 (BTC)、以太坊 (ETH) 和比特幣現金 (BCH) 等等嘅主要貨幣。

根據這一評級,波蘭以 112 部 Bitcoin ATM 位居第七,落後香港,領先瑞士。

美國位居榜首。美國擁有一個迅速崛起的比特幣 ATM (BATM) 社區,已有超過 17,000 部 BitcoinATM。而美國嘅北部鄰國加拿大就以 1,500 部 ATM 位居第二。

【Poland🇵🇱, Romania🇵🇱🇷🇴 Rank in Top 10 for Number of Bitcoin ATMs】

I bet you must know which country has won the Euro2020, but do you know which countries have many Bitcoin ATMs?

Two East European nations, Poland and Romania, are now among the top 10 countries hosting the most cryptocurrency ATMs. The global number of teller machines supporting crypto transactions has increased exponentially over the past months, now reaching over 23,000 devices.

Poland Ranks Among Leading Crypto ATM Destinations

The growth in popularity and market prices of cryptocurrencies in the past year has led to a spike in the number of locations around the world offering crypto holders automated teller services. Most Bitcoin ATMs let you buy coins with cash and cards, while some devices facilitate two-way transactions allowing users to also sell cryptos. Major currencies such as bitcoin (BTC), ethereum (ETH), and bitcoin cash (BCH) are typically supported.

Poland, Romania in Top 10 by Number of Bitcoin ATMs, World’s Total Exceeds 23,000

Quoting data compiled by Crypto Head, the Warsaw Business Journal recently wrote that Poland has entered the top 10 nations having the highest number of cryptocurrency ATMs. According to this ranking, the country is seventh with 112 crypto teller devices, placing behind Hong Kong and ahead of Switzerland.

The United States tops the chart. The U.S. has a rapidly growing network of Bitcoin ATMs (BATMs) that has exceeded 17,000 machines supporting deposits and withdrawals of cryptocurrency across the country. Its northern neighbor, Canada, ranks second with almost 1,500 ATMs, followed by the U.K. with around 200, the report details.

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