尋晚阿木佢地開會傾Bitcoin,Elon Musk 又出口術暴力救市🤣

in bixin •  4 years ago 

Elon 乜? Elon Musk! 爛gag Sor! 講返正題, 共同出席「The B Word」線上論壇,turns out 係一場唱好嘅盛宴!

全球各地央行加緊推出數碼貨幣計劃,加上金融機構的監管趨嚴,令近日虛擬幣表現疲弱。然而,「女股神」Cathie Wood、企業家馬斯克 (Elon Musk)、Twitter 行政總裁 Jack Dorsey「三大好友」繼續唱好加密貨幣。重點係,Elon 透露,佢本人持有比特幣,以太幣,同埋狗狗幣,然後所有幣一嘢 Pump 咗上去🚀


【The B word - Elon is pumping Bitcoin.. AGAIN🤣】

After weeks of hype, three of the tech world’s most prominent Bitcoin boosters took to the virtual stage Wednesday to discuss the values and potential of the benchmark cryptocurrency.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk, Square and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, and ARK Invest CEO Cathie Wood came together for “The B Word,” a virtual conference co-hosted by Wood’s investment firm and Dorsey’s fintech giant.

Musk disclosed that he personally owns Bitcoin, fellow benchmark token Ethereum, and Dogecoin, the memecoin whose popularity and price he’s helped spike in 2021. He also want to see Bitcoin becomes more successful. Bitcoin reclaimed the key support level of $30,000 and traded as high as $32,415 on Wednesday night.🚀

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