【Crypto 世一! 加密貨幣基金: 82% 機構投資者會加碼投資Crypto】

in bixin •  4 years ago 

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加密貨幣基金管理公司 Nickel Digital 做咗一項調查,訪問咗分別黎自美國、法國、德國、英國同阿拉伯聯合酋長國嘅機構投資者同財富經理代表,發現 82% 機構投資者同財富管理機構計劃響佢地嘅投資組合中入面增加加密貨幣嘅份額直至到 2023 年。

研究發現,40% 嘅受訪者表示願意大幅增加對加密貨幣嘅投資。只有 7% 的人表示希望呢一類嘅投資,而 1% 的人表示計劃賣晒手頭上嘅 Crypto。

Nickel Digital 首席執行官 Anatoly Krachilov 解釋話:「我哋嘅分析顯示,19 間市值超過 1 萬億美元嘅上市公司投資咗約 65 億美元等值嘅比特幣。有成 432 億美元存儲喺基於各種數字資產同信托入面。呢種趨勢將繼續落去。」

【82% of Institutional Investors Plan to Increase Cryptocurrency Exposure: Survey】

A survey by Nickel Digital Asset Management shows that 82% of institutional investors and wealth managers are planning to increase their cryptocurrency exposure between now and 2023.

The survey reportedly asked institutional investors and wealth managers from the U.S., U.K., France, Germany, and the UAE who currently have exposure to cryptocurrencies and digital assets about their crypto investment strategies. It was conducted between May and June.

40% said they will dramatically increase their crypto holdings, 7% said they would reduce their exposure, and 1% said they would sell their entire holdings of crypto assets.

Anatoly Crachilov, co-founder and CEO of asset management firm Nickel Digital, was quoted by Institutional Asset Manager as saying: “The number of institutional investors and corporates holding bitcoin and other cryptoassets is growing and their confidence in the asset class is also increasing.

He elaborated: Many of those professional investors with holdings in crypto assets are looking to increase their exposure... These trends will continue to expand.

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