taking out the trash first

in blabla •  6 years ago 

it's a longterm thing i'm sure


support coingecko for seeding the hard fok live ... because that will save the whale ... its a bit WEIRD ... i wouldnt say no to free money either, but ITS A BIT WEIRD how any of any of that top 20 shit is seen as "constructive" and helping the system survive because i dont see anything bringing money IN ... barring a few oddballs like steemmonsters ?

who sell the cards for DOLLARS, ... last time i checked (because they're smart enough i guess)

SO ... :)

always positive-man, yes SURe, how about i spend four or five hours or put up some music or render or animation that took days or WEEKS ? then get me 20 dollar to promote or its worth shit, THEN hope it passes the new steem order commission who decides which voting bots are "steem" and which are not (because this is america, not china) and THEN passes the free hate and get rewarded to rat groupies (because this is america, not soviet russia ofcourse)

and still hoping i'll be all wrong about it by december and the middle classes will start pouring millions in it to counter hyperinflation and top20 selloff ...

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