Black Sabbath 13th April 2018

in black-sabbath •  7 years ago  (edited)

What is the Sabbath or Shabbath Day?

The Sabbath or Shabbat is the Holy Days according to The Most Highs timetable. The true day of rest, it is a day that must be kept Holy.

4th Commandment: Remember the Sabbath Day and to keep it Holy.

What is Black Friday?

Black Friday is any Friday that the 13th of any month falls on. For example 13th January, 13th May or just recently, Friday the 13th April 2018 etc.

The pagan Gregorian calendar that we live with is referred to by the seeds of Yahuah as the lunar-solar calendar. The time of the Sabbath for the lunar-solar calendar begins at sundown EVERY Friday and ends the next day at sundown on Saturday.

During this period, one must observe restfulness, cleanliness and prayerfulness. The Most High blessed the last day of His work that we understand as the Holy Sabbath Day.

The Most Highs timetable is NOT the pagan calendar that we go by even though the lunar-solar calendar is granted Sabbath Days. Typically every Saturday, but technically between Friday sundown and the next day at sundown on Saturday. The Most Highs calendar pinpoints more accurately when His true Sabbath Days are. The 'REAL' New Year on His calendar always falls on the beginning of spring and is classed as a Sabbath Day.

What is a Black Sabbath?

So when Friday the 13th or Black Friday happens, a Black Sabbath begins on this Friday the 13th at sundown and lasts until the next day at sundown on the Saturday.

It is considered as a time of bad luck or a dark day. Just remember to keep it holy and stay restful because it is still a Sabbath.

The Black Sabbath however, continues on until sundown the next day on Saturday.

Traditionally, the correct attire to wear on a Friday the 13th or a Black Friday is....(drum roll)... BLACK! Just black.

And on the third day, he rose.....

The next Black Friday will be Friday the 13th July 2018.

Followed by a Black Sabbath starting at sundown on Friday the 13th July 2018. Duration of the Black Sabbath is approximately 24 hours until the next day, Saturday sundown on the 14th July 2018.

Apparel is Black. Observe the Sabbath Day and keep it Holy.

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