in black •  last year  (edited)

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"When the ancient Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten uses a source of cosmic power, the Heart of the Universe, to seize power in present-day Earth (killing most of Earth's heroes in the process), Thanos uses a time-travel stratagem to defeat him. Thanos then uses the Heart of the Universe to reverse Akhenaten's actions and was also compelled to correct a flaw in the universe, for which Mistress Death kisses him, and speaks to him for the first time. Changed by the experience, Thanos advises confidant Adam Warlock he will no longer seek universal conquest." Thanos, Wikipedia

Here too, in the Marvel Universe, the infamous heretic king Akhenaten is a villain, who is aka biblical Moses of; Japhethites, Amorites, Canaanites, Hittites, 15th to 18th dynasties Egyptian Israelites originated by Amenemhat I of 12th dynasty, Phoenicians, Ethiopians, Akhenaten reportedly was king of Ethiopia for nine years according to the book of Jasher (Yasher), Karaites, Talmudic Rabbinical Babylonians, Elohists, Yahwehists, Deuteronomists, Seduches, Pharisees, Macedonian, Ptolemaic, Pythagorean, Masonic, Catholic, Khazarian, Templar, Enlightened, Illuminated, Central Banking mafia.


Moses is not a name, it comes from ancient Egyptian word mose meaning born of, as in Thutmose born of god Thoth, Ramose born of god Ra etc. The biblical Moses is modeled after the heretic king Akhenaten of the ill fated 18th dynasty. Being found in a reeds basket is old Egyptian as well as Sumerian tradition in reference to the royal blood. Sargon the Great was found in the reeds basket as well all ancient kings who have claimed divine origins. The sea of reeds is reference to the abode of God Ra who bestows the kingship. While bible is witness to the atrocities committed by Moses and his followers it clearly describes the Americas as the stage where most of genocide against the native black tribes of actual Yasheral / Israel took place, with the Satanic Babylonian Talmudic Rabbinical Khazarian heavens stealing indigenous culture and identity while murdering and enslaving the original black tribes of Israel and distorting human spirituality and history, hiding original Egypt and Holy Land in America. Moses was first Satanist, aside Nimrod. Maya means priests, the surviving priests of Atlantis, which was in Northwestern Africa, so-called the Eye of Africa at Sahara desert.



While Amenhotep III is considered to be the historical figure behind biblical King Solomon, his son Amenhotep IV is biblical Moses who has changed his name in worship of the light of Aten. Yuya, his grandfather is biblical Joseph who got sold by his brothers to slavery in Egypt however he has managed to climb his way to become the vizir of Thutmose IV and his son Amenhotep III. He was a Persian, white Semite, who has worshipped Yahw (light & fire), hence his name Yuya as paraphrasing of Yahweh. He has married a noble Egyptian woman and his daughter, half Semite, queen Tiye, became mother to Akhenaten aka Moses, who in turn was 1/4 Semite Persian, aka the Medeans, Medeonites, Media, Medes.

Jahannah James is telling the same story about Akhenaten as Moses:

Queen Tiye



Queen Tiye images via fb GoldenEye Llavud



The heretic king Akhenaten, who is biblical Moses as I think and is also proposed by Sigmund Freud, Ahmed Osman and others, started a cult of Aten (sun disk) as worship of Yahw (light) which eventually became the religion of Yahweh, tetragrammaton Yod Hey Vov Hey of unpronounceable name of Lord God of Moses, English Jehovah, pronounced Yahw (YHVH), who is one of seven Elohim children of El Elyon, Most High, El their father and God of Abraham with whom he made a Covenant. The Canaanite El is the Egyptian equivalent of AmunRa union of Ogdoad's Amunet & Amun (hidden) with Ennead's KheperRa (revealed), Truth (Ma'at) of the Mother of Peace (Mut Neith Hotep) that is.


The true spirituality of the black and red native tribes of American real Israel and land of true Egypt has been under the Khazarian Satanic Masonic lock and key, while the name stealers act as the Israelites with their fake creator god Jehovah, who makes but did not create the world. Genesis 5:1-2 claimes that Lord God made the Heavens and the Earth, yet the word made is used while he himself was nowhere to be found in Genesis where the creation takes place and is inaccurately attributed to the Elohim which in turn, inaccurately again, is translated as God. The tetragrammaton of Lord God first only mentioned in Genesis 2:4 at the end of the Creation, after the seventh day when the Creator rested.


We know that the Creation was done by Father of the Beginnings, Aba rashit, not In the beginning created Elohim, Barashit bara Elohim, which then makes the Elohim logical next in line to take on the mantle of the Creator deity simply because the Satanic Babylonian Moseretic heretics have removed the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet Aleph from the opening word Abarashit, which is a title of the Creator Father implying Mother at the same time, leaving instead banal current opening of the OT bible, I call it the heretic Babylonian Satanic bible, Barashit bara, In the beginning created, thus changing the original sentence from "The Father of the Beginnings has Created the Elohim (archangels/planets), Heavens and the Earth" to "In the beginning Elohim (masculine plural word translated as God) created heavens and the earth. There lies the big lie of the Moseretic Satanic Babylonian Talmudic Rabbinical apostates.


From the eternal darkness of the Source of Supreme Absolute, the Egyptian Ogdoad, comes forth the Mind of Creator (Amunet Amun) who becomes the Ouroboros (bark of Amun "capacitor") emanating the pure white light (Ptah/architect Atum/complete creative powers KheperRa/form & mind) of Most High and his consort (Neith Mut Rait/Virgin Mother Light) as divine masculin and feminine principles, Asherah and El Elyon, the Mother and Father of Creation, using Canaanite pantheon of ancient Semites, who then have seven children, the Elohim, i.e. the white light is spread into a seven steps spectrum of magneto-electric radiation, from ultraviolet to infrared, making up seven colours of the rainbow, music scale frequencies, mankind's body chakras, planets, realms, senses etc. These are the Elohim who are the children of Most High El and Asherah of Semitic tradition, who were worshipped as a couple up until second century BC during the time of Maccabees revolt, when the monotheistic Jehovah aka Yahweh worship started to get enforced, Jehovah would be the equivalent of the lowest frequency of existence in life aka the beast, our sense of survival and procreation, I am That I am.


So the Moses and his followers are not aspiring to reach any great heights by any stretch of imagination since they are content living like the beasts in the basement of Creation without the need for Christ Consciousness to ascend to any unity with the higher spiritual Self of eternal Love, Truth, and Peace, thus being reduced to perpetual hate, lies, and war of their own made hells, while trying to entrap the rest of the world with them in it. They have stolen the identity of true Israel and perverted the true spirituality of mankind to reflect their evil and deranged fallen state.


We have a few archetypes to consider, mainly the Creator and the creation endowed with the free choice and senses including that of the self realization. The Creation stretches from highest to lowest, holy to profane, spiritual to physical, encompassing all dichotomies and existence under the Hermetic principles and eternal laws of nature.


From the eternal darkness comes forth the light that makes a life journey from unconscious to become conscious by way of life force as light ascends in Consciousness back to the Absolute Source whence it came from, the prodigious return of the lost son.

Image via The Collective Spiritual Consciousness


One more time.


Moses, aka heretic king Akhenaten, was first Satanist who has subverted the original Judaism of Abrahamic Covenant with Most High El and Asherah, the white light that comes out of the eternal darkness, to worship the Demiurge Jehovah, the wrathful angry jealous Lord God, whose light is the lowest in the frequencies spectrum of seven main bands, sounds, colours, archangels, luminaries (planets), chakras etc., who are the seven Elohim the children of El, Yahweh being the starting point of self awareness, I am that I am, responsible for animals survival instincts and procreation, who demands to worship him alone, the infrared spectrum, at the exclusion of all other Elohim, the rest of the rainbow, and their parents which is pure light containing all the colours, and the Absolute Source whence it is generated from, which is at the core of all life in existence.

So, long story short, Moses was the departure from black Abraham and true black and red native tribes of Israel in Ameruka. The fake Jews of Babylonian Talmudic Khazarian Satanic Masonic Messianic Moseretic type have simply hijacked the whole black & red identity of original Israel and starting with Moses begun to exterminate and enslave the original Israelites while claiming to be them. They have replaced the original scriptures and Creator Father and Mother of truth and peace and their love for one another as the Great Spirit with their heretic Moses cult of Saklas Samael Yaltabaoth Demiurge Ramphant Keivan Satan Saturn worship of ultimately the animal nature of ourselves.


"Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie;" Revelation 3:9

"Yet I am the LORD thy God from the land of Egypt", meaning the God of Abraham AmunRa not Yahw as light of Aten, which was a switcheroo, "and thou shalt know no god but me: for there is no savior besides me." Hosea 13:4


Here is reference to Christ within, which is ascension of Consciousness by way of rising Kundalini energy that brings up the "christ" oil inside the spine from lowest point to the middle, the solar plexus aka Bethlehem (house of bread also as reference to the Virgo constellation), and from there up to the brain activating pineal and pituitary glands thus causing enlightenment, as the 10% of masculine left hemisphere connected to five senses is passed to the feminine so called God brain that controls the rest of 90% which are mostly dormant in most people until the unification of the lower (beast), left (man), and right (divine) parts are united as one, thus activating two additional senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, & touch) of intuition and telepathy. Hence the meaning of paying 10% tithing, of attention not money. Anyway, I got much more on my blog, explore, learn, improve and stay out of my Hell. 3:)




Via fb Ahmen Essence

Writing in 1701, William Bartram said the Cherokees were by no means idolaters, unless their puffing tobacco smoke toward the sun and rejoicing at the appearance of each new moon might be so interpreted. So far from idolatry were they that they had no religious images among them, or any idolatrous religious rite or ceremony that he could observe. Instead, they adored the Great Spirit, whom they described as the giver and taker away of the breath of life, with the most profound and respectful homage. In 1736, James Adair confirmed Bartram's view, saying that although it was well known that the ancient heathens worshiped a plurality of gods which they created to satisfy their own beliefs, the Cherokees did none of this and were devoted to the great, beneficent, supreme, Holy Spirit of fire, who resided above the clouds and on the earth with purified people. This Holy Spirit was, with them, the sole author of warmth, light, and all animal and vegetable life. They did not pay the least perceivable adoration to any images, dead persons, celestial luminaries, evil spirits, or any created being whatsoever. They practiced none of the gestures employed by the pagans in their religious rites, and kissed no idols. Their form of religious worship was more like the Mosaic institution than it was like that of the pagans, which Adair felt would not be so if the majority of the old natives was of heathenish descent, since all pagans would fight to the death to retain their superstitious worship even when it had lost all its substance. But the Cherokees did not believe the sun was any bigger than it appeared to the naked eye, and they never prostrated themselves or bowed their bodies to each other in salute or homage, except when they were making or renewing peace with strangers who came in the name of Yah, but they always bowed in their religious dances.

Adair's origin material links all of the southeastern tribes he traded with to an ancestry and development that associates them with the Hebrew people. Payne, whose extensive collection of origin material deals expressly with the Cherokees, also associates them with the Hebrews. In most of its parts, it comes close to duplicating what is written in the first five books of the Bible. The exception is that the Cherokee informants who described events such as the creation story, flood, expulsion from Eden, Tower of Babel, Abraham, crossing of the Red Sea, Moses, the wandering in the wilderness, and the construction of the tent of worship and the sacred ark shaded them with words and meanings unique to the Cherokees. Payne is careful to point out that his information came from Cherokee sources who had little or no contact with one another, and who had no common education in European ideas. It is also worth observing that some of Payne's informants were born as early as 1735, and thus gathered knowledge about their ancestry at a time when contact with outsiders had barely begun. There were no missionaries present then, and the remembrances included tales orally handed down by Cherokees who had lived prior to historic times. Payne also points out a valid truth that most native Americans did not easily give up or exchange their ancient traditions for European ideas and ways.
#hebrew #american #indigenous #moors #Israel #inca #indian #maya #america #native #cherokee"


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