SEVEN DAYS OF BLACK & WHITE  CHALLENGE - Day 6 / Story Of My Life In Black & White / LOVEsteemCreated with Sketch.

in blackandwhitephotography •  7 years ago  (edited)

As per the rules of the game, I present to you images of my life and world, without explanations.

In this 7 day challenge I express the Story of My life in Shades of Black and White.

Here we go! Let’s keep it raw !!


Here are the ‘Rules’ -

-Take 7 black & white photos that represent an aspect of your life
-Present one image every day for seven days
-No people
-No explanation
-Nominate someone every day. Although anyone can join in
-Use the tag: #sevendaybnwchallenge as one of your five tags
-Adding a title is optional

Thank you @ecoinstant for nominating me for this challenge :) ...

My Day 6 Baton is passed on to @sashagenji

@sashagenji is a very warmhearted and compassionate person with a great eye for art and aesthetics . @sashagenji is a crusader for good causes that help create awareness for a better world. It is your turn, @sashagenji to share an essence of you and your life, in black and white.

And now, -

My LOVE :) ....

Entry for
#blackandwhitephotography @photocontests initiated by @juliank .

I also take this opportunity to wish everyone here a Very Happy 2018. It is the Chinese Year of Dog.
Dog embodies, Love, Loyalty, Companionship, Understanding, Intuition, Honesty, Faith, Innocence, Hard-work.

A Very Happy New Year to all.
May Dreams be fulfilled... 💕😇
Resolutions be honoured... 😎😁
Targets be achieved 👍🍷
And movement towards a better world for Children, Animals & Plants take place 😊♥

thank you for reading and viewing, @nehab.
All photos are original from my smartphone clicks !

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Awwww Obviously I LOVE this picture lol The pictures at the bottom are equally beautiful! You can see the love you have for your dogs and they for you! amazing :) Happy New Year!

Thank you @beautifulbullies ... The only thing that comes to mind when you look at them is LOVE , Just LOVE .. i cannot imagine a life without them :). How were your holidays :) ... A very happy New Year to you and your family and your adorable son and all babies :)

thank you @s4s for your support and appreciation :)

Very cute ones!! So loving!! Happy new year dear @nehab...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

thank you, @geetharao. Yes, they are adorable. Can't imagine a life without them :)
Happy New Year to you too :)

Hi @nehab, I wish you and your family Happy New Year, a lot of happiness, as we usually wish in our family to stay healthy and happy! I hope you have had a nice time . The dogs look happy too, they probably have had a good treat due to their year, and your son is really grown up, you are very young mom :)

thank you @stef1 . So kind of you :)... Wish you and your family a very happy new year too. May the New Year herald in new opportunities for you. I wish lots of happiness, joy, wealth, success and warmth of love for you and your family and friends. May all your dreams come true , @stef1 .... And Thank you for the compliment :) ... I think I just look younger . That's all. I am a super old soul :) :D

Hello @nehab, These are really nice photos. You two have warming smiles. I wish you both to realize your most important desire - dream in 2018.

thank you @mihail.tsvetkov ... That is my son. He is a warm person :) . Loves animals :) ... I wish you and @kanoe and your minchkins lots of happiness and love. I sincerely wish that you realise your most important desire and dream too. And i wish that all your dreams be fulfilled . Lots of success and good health and good fortune to you, @mihail.tsvetkov

Wishing you a very happy new year @nehab :)

Happy New year to you too, @jznsamuel :) ... I wish you success, joy, love and good fortune and good health :)

Thank you :)


It was wonderful to have met you this year. I wish you and your family a wonderful new years day. And may all your dreams come true.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I too am happy to have met you, @kanoe... I wish you love, joy and happiness. and success in all your endeavours :)

Are these your pets? They look so adorable.

Yeah ... They are my babies. Super adorable. I cannot imagine a life without them 😊.

I've got to say that the dog in the front with those eyebrows looks so much like our beloved Smokey. I know they are different types of dogs but they look so much alike in that photo, especially when Smokey was young. He passed away last year but he had a very long happy life!


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

They are just the same. No difference at all . How sweet this is. Really sad to hear about your loss. But as you say, Smokey had a good life and lots of love from you. This is what is important. we too lost our little Bella recently , in august 2017. It is very painful. But she did not suffer and had a good life :). This consoles the heart. May Bella and Smokey stay blessed and rest in peace :)

My Tippy and Your Smokey are simply alike, @pennyroll ! Twins :)

And my Tippy sits just like your Smokey... Same posture :)

We wish you a very happy New Year. Success, Prosperity, Joy, Love and Good Health to you, @pennyroll :)

They really are twins, wow, I had no idea that they identical that's amazing!

yes they are. Such an adorable co-incidence :)

Let me try to place my photo under your post...
OK, so it works :)
And the post upvoted :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

:D :D ... The photo is awesome ... It is already upvoted. And it will be upvoted any which way @photo-deja-vu :)... Happy New Year to you... Success, Prosperity, Good health, Happiness and Love and Fulfilment to you, @photo-deja-vu

Thank you. Same to you :)

:) :)

Thank you for the resteem of "The Precipice" , @photo-deja-vu 😊

happy new year @nehab wish you all the best :)

A very Happy New Year to you too, @matajimga :) ... Lots of Success and happiness to you :)

The photo says it all! Sooo adorable! Xoxoxoxo

thank you, @bloghound... They are adorable. Love is all that comes to mind when I look at them :)
A very happy New Year to you and your family. Wish you loads of success and happiness and love.

Wow beautiful bnw entry !
Wish you Happy New Year My friend !!

thank you @akkha
Wish you a very Happy new year too :)

Thank you so much Neha !

The @OriginalWorks bot has upvoted and checked this post!
Some similarity seems to be present here:
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the photos are my original smartphone clicks. The similarity is that both are black and white photography. Kindly double check !!!!

Great shots,glad to see your post.