The BlackBloc Papers

in blackbloc •  7 years ago 

Many of you are getting your first taste of alternative news.
Never before have so many ideas from outside the mainstream been available to you.
You know the news is fake, now.
You know we have been lied to for the entire time there has been a media to lie.
Some of you will remember my quote from 'Cry for Justice' from 1915 that quoted a retiring newspaper man saying they were all presstitutes.

Well, today i am going to bring you news that has a viewpoint, a viewpoint from inside the blackbloc.
You know what the news tells you, now learn the truth from those that make blackblocks happen.
Lets start with ten myths about the blackbloc.


Here’s a little something to dispel the myths that have been circulating about the N30 Black Bloc:

  • “They are all a bunch of Eugene anarchists.” While a few may be anarchists from Eugene, we hail from all over the United States, including Seattle. In any case, most of us are familiar with local issues in Seattle (for instance, the recent occupation of downtown by some of the most nefarious of multinational retailers).

  • “They are all followers of John Zerzan.” A lot of rumors have been circulating that we are followers of John Zerzan, an anarcho-primitivist author from Eugene who advocates property destruction. While some of us may appreciate his writings and analyses, he is in no sense our leader, directly, indirectly, philosophically or otherwise.

  • “The mass public squat is the headquarters of the anarchists who destroyed property on November 30th.” In reality, most of the people in the “Autonomous Zone” squat are residents of Seattle who have spent most of their time since its opening on the 28th in the squat. While they may know of one another, the two groups are not co-extensive and in no case could the squat be considered the headquarters of people who destroyed property.

  • “They escalated situations on the 30th, leading to the tear-gassing of passive, nonviolent protesters.” To answer this, we need only note that tear-gassing, pepper-spraying and the shooting of rubber bullets all began before the Black Blocs (as far as we know) started engaging in property destruction. In addition, we must resist the tendency to establish a causal relationship between police repression and protest in any form, whether it involved property destruction or not. The police are charged with protecting the interests of the wealthy few and the blame for the violence cannot be placed upon those who protest those interests.

  • Conversely: “They acted in response to the police repression.” While this might be a more positive representation of the Black Bloc, it is nevertheless false. We refuse to be misconstrued as a purely reactionary force. While the logic of the Black Bloc may not make sense to some, it is in any case a pro-active logic.

  • “They are a bunch of angry adolescent boys.” Aside from the fact that it belies a disturbing ageism and sexism, it is false. Property destruction is not merely macho rabble-rousing or testosterone-laden angst release. Nor is it displaced and reaction - ary anger. It is strategically and specifically targeted direct action against corporate interests.

  • “They just want to fight.” This is pretty absurd, and it conveniently ignores the eagerness of “peace police” to fight us. Of all the groups engaging in direct action, the Black Bloc was perhaps the least interested in engaging the authorities and we certainly had no interest in fighting with other anti-WTO activists (despite some rather strong disagreements over tactics).

  • “They are a chaotic, disorganized and opportunistic mob.” While many of us could surely spend days arguing over what “chaotic” means, we were certainly not disorganized. The organization may have been fluid and dynamic, but it was tight. As for the charge of opportunism, it would be hard to imagine who of the thousands in attendance didn’t take advantage of the opportunity created in Seattle to advance their agenda. The question becomes, then, whether or not we helped create that opportunity and most of us certainly did (which leads us to the next myth)

  • “They don’t know the issues” or “they aren’t activists who’ve been working on this.” While we may not be professional activists, we’ve all been working on this convergence in Seattle for months. Some of us did work in our home-towns and others came to Seattle months in advance to work on it. To be sure, we were responsible for many hundreds of people who came out on the streets on the 30th, only a very small minority of which had anything to do with the Black Bloc. Most of us have been studying the effects of the global economy, genetic engineering, resource extraction, transportation, labor practices, elimination of indigenous autonomy, animal rights and human rights and we’ve been doing activism on these issues for many years. We are neither ill-informed nor unexperienced.

  • “Masked anarchists are anti-democratic and secretive because they hide their identities.” Let’s face it (with or without a mask)—we aren’t living in a democracy right now. If this week has not made it plain enough, let us remind you—we are living in a police state. People tell us that if we really think that we’re right, we wouldn’t be hiding behind masks. “The truth will prevail” is the assertion. While this is a fine and noble goal, it does not jive with the present reality. Those who pose the greatest threat to the interests of Capital and State will be persecuted. Some pacifists would have us accept this persecution gleefully. Others would tell us that it is a worthy sacrifice. We are not so morose. Nor do we feel we have the privilege to accept persecution as a sacrifice: persecution to us is a daily inevitability and we treasure our few freedoms. To accept incarceration as a form of flattery betrays a large amount of “first world” privilege. We feel that an attack on private property is necessary if we are to rebuild a world which is useful, healthful and joyful for everyone. And this despite the fact that hypertrophied private property rights in this country translate into felony charges for any property destruction over $250.
When wearing a mask is a revolutionary act
By Chuck0

The Associated Press is reporting today that the New York Police Department will arrest any group of 3 or more protesters who wear masks at the upcoming anti-WEF protests. This is part of the city’s ongoing efforts to eliminate public activism and otherwise render the city a corporate-sponsored police state. This falls on the heels of a successful prosecution of anarchists who were arrested wearing masks at a demonstration last year.

Their crime? Not smashing a window or throwing something at a cop. Wearing a mask and participating in the long American tradition of anonymous political speech.

We can talk all we want about tactics used by members of the anti-capitalist movement, but the NYPD has issued a fundamental challenge to us. There announcement that they will not permit anonymous political speech is an insult to all of us, and to the citizens of New York City. If there is anything we can collectively agree on, it’s that our right have to be asserted, not petitioned from the state. Either the streets are “our streets” or we live in a fascist republic. The best way to assert those rights is through nonviolent civil disobedience in the streets, I’d like to issue a call for all protestors attending the Another World is Possible march on Saturday to wear masks in solidarity and as a visible example of our intent to fight for our rights despite new fascist laws like the PATRIOT Act. I’ve been in touch with the more militant elements in the movement and I get the impression that there is widespread agreement about abiding by the guidelines for the AWIP march. This is to be expected anyway, since the more militant folks prefer to do their activities away from “green zone” type activities.

This challenge by the NYPD has to be answered by the anti-globalization movement. At the very least, mass civil disobedience in defiance of this law will show that we aren’t going to be pushed around by petty, arbitrary anti-activist laws. The NYPD should be publicly ashamed of themselves for insulting the long American tradition of anonymous political speech which started with revolutionaries like Thomas Paine. We need to collectively show the NYPD and the people of New York that the era of Giuliani fascism is over. These are our streets and we’ll do what we want on them in a cooperative, creative, and spirited fashion. All of the state’s security cameras, snipers, crowd control technology, and brute force from the “blue bloc” are going to deter us from exercising our fundamental human rights.

Wear a mask to protest the rich meeting at the WEF. Wear a mask in solidarity with the Zapatistas and the billions of people in the Global South who are harmed by neoliberalism, capitalism, and the imperial ambitions of the American state. Wear a sports mask, a muffler, a papier-mâché head, or whatever you need to say “basta” to this petty interference with our rights. Wear black, red, green, yellow, paisley, plaid, or polka dots.

See you in New York. With a mask on.

We contend that property destruction is not a violent activity unless it destroys lives or causes pain in the process. By this definition, private property—especially corporate private property—is itself infinitely more violent than any action taken against it.

Private property should be distinguished from personal property. The latter is based upon use while the former is based upon trade. The premise of personal property is that each of us has what s/he needs. The premise of private property is that each of us has something that someone else needs or wants. In a society based on private property rights, those who are able to accrue more of what others need or want have greater power. By extension, they wield greater control over what others perceive as needs and desires, usually in the interest of increasing profit to themselves.

Advocates of “free trade” would like to see this process to its logical conclusion: a network of a few industry monopolists with ultimate control over the lives of the everyone else. Advocates of “fair trade” would like to see this process mitigated by government regulations meant to superficially impose basic humanitarian standards. As anarchists, we despise both positions.

Private property—and capitalism, by extension—is intrinsically violent and repressive and cannot be reformed or mitigated. Whether the power of everyone is concentrated into the hands of a few corporate heads or diverted into a regulatory apparatus charged with mitigating the disasters of the latter, no one can be as free or as powerful as they could be in a non-hierarchical society.

When we smash a window, we aim to destroy the thin veneer of legitimacy that surrounds private property rights. At the same time, we exorcise that set of violent and destructive social relationships which has been imbued in almost everything around us. By “destroying” private property, we convert its limited exchange value into an expanded use value. A storefront window becomes a vent to let some fresh air into the oppressive atmosphere of a retail outlet (at least until the police decide to tear-gas a nearby road blockade). A newspaper box becomes a tool for creating such vents or a small blockade for the reclamation of public space or an object to improve one’s vantage point by standing on it. A dumpster becomes an obstruction to a phalanx of rioting cops and a source of heat and light. A building facade becomes a message board to record brainstorm ideas for a better world.

After N30, many people will never see a shop window or a hammer the same way again. The potential uses of an entire cityscape have increased a thousandfold. The number of broken windows pales in comparison to the number broken spells—spells cast by a corporate hegemony to lull us into forgetfulness of all the violence committed in the name of private property rights and of all the potential of a society without them. Broken windows can be boarded up (with yet more waste of our forests) and eventually replaced, but the shattering of assumptions will hopefully persist for some time to come.

Against Capital and State, the ACME Collective

Disclaimer: these [above] observations and analyses represent only those of the ACME Collective and should not be construed to be representative of the rest of the Black Bloc on N30 or anyone else who engaged in riot or property destruction that day.

If you've made it this far good for you, you are a true truth seeker.
This book goes on for more than 300 pages and details the blackblocs from 1988 to 2005, consisting of interviews, analysis, and critiques from those that participated in actions in defense of your freedom whether you support that, or not.

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A captivating read. Thanks for the share. ✌💛

Thanks for reading!