Steemit Went Down... But no Day is Ever Completely "Lost!"

in blackout •  6 years ago 

As we all know, Steemit "went dark" for most of Monday.

Whereas it is tempting to look at that and declare that we "lost a day," I got to thinking that we never really LOSE days.

Lavender fields near Mt. Shasta, California

The Unexpected Happens

Whereas we may make careful plans, life is seldom entirely predictable. And when we feel like we are "losing" a day, what are we really telling ourselves?

If you think about it, that sense of loss is most often connected to feeling out of sorts because we didn't have a contingency plan. And we didn't adapt well to the situation.

Sometimes our Internet goes out, around here. We live in an older neighborhood, somewhat out of town, and the cables out here are a bit dodgy... because most of them are still above-ground, and many of them run through trees. In turn, this means that every time we get a bit of wind, some of the connections and junction boxes are "tested" a bit. Besides, we also have lots of squirrels who evidently like the flavor of certain cable insulation!

I don't get bothered much if the connection goes out. I just find something else to do. And since we have lousy cell service, I certainly don't depend on my phone for anything!

Our adult kids (later 20s), on the other hands, get fidgety and start freaking out if the connection is off for more than maybe... 30 minutes.

Blooming Heather in our neighborhood...

WHY Are You Losing Your Cool?

If you start feeling fidgety and anxious when something unexpected happens — Internet out, Steemit offline, cell service unavailable — pause and ask yourself why?

What do you think will happen, as a result of your temporary disconnection?

Moreover, what is the situation telling you about your own dependency on the technology?

Sometimes we do have legitimate reasons for feeling annoyed or out-of-sorts. For example, I have a couple of eBay businesses, and on the rare occasions parts of eBay have gone offline it definitely made me edgy... because my livelihood felt like it had been interrupted.

But so what? Consider that all the potential buyers I was so worried about missing, were also having their experience disrupted. So I didn't actually LOSE anything; everyone was in the same boat.

And the worry? Doesn't really do anything, nor do anything to remedy the situation.

So, I'd suggest just taking a chill pill, and finding something else to do!

How about YOU? What did YOU do, when Steemit went offline? Do outages like this throw you off your game, or do you just take it in stride? Do you think the level of anxiety people feel about being "unplugged" is partly generational? Leave a comment-- share your experiences-- be part of the conversation!


Posted via @steempeak.

(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for Steemit)
Created at 180918 23:24 PDT

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Great point! I never worry when the connection is lost.

I have plenty to keep me busy and spent the day catching up on paperwork, an unexpected shopping trip, and making something extra special for dinner.

We have to expect the unexpected so that there is no disappointment. It was nice to have these unexpected pleasures and today, it was nice to have it back again. Outages don't throw me. I enjoy technology, but, I am an adapter. The kids on the other hand, I think it is generational. They notice it, but, try to act like they don't care. One of them gets antsy. :)

My kids are as chill as I am... well two out of three of them are. :)

I felt a little confused and annoyed when Steemit when offline for almost 10 hours!

Posted using Partiko Android

I think it's definitely generational @dswigle; I watch our adult (later 20s) kids get somewhat twitchy when the Internet goes out at our house when they are visiting.

Me? I have so much other stuff to catch up with that stepping away from Social Media for a day barely feels like a blip on the screen.

I don't get bothered much if the connection goes out. I just find something else to do

YUP! I was busy in the kitchen doing small tasks I'd been setting aside for a few days/week. FELT REAL GOOD to get better organized! So for me... no day is ever a loss.

I worked on some artsy stuff; caught up on some correspondence, cleaned up loose ends with my eBay businesses... before I even knew, it was nighttime.

It's probably harder if you're younger and more dependent on the Internet to anchor your sense of reality.

I never noticed! lol
I was taking a couple of days away, so the drama completely passed me by.

Phew! I missed the stress!

Good for you! "Days away" are a good thing.

Seemed a few people were freaking out... but mostly the ones who are massively into Steemit as their only source of income.

I went through a strange 3 days - I lost total interest in steemit.... For the first time ever, since I joined.
(I don't really get ill, and I wasn't, as such - but I did feel a total lethargy and just watched you tube without

I'm not dependent on steem nowadays , since I fixed the other stuff..( thankfully. When I needed , it it was at $4 or so...phew!)

great post and very nice photogaphy