As a black person who has an online persona, by default you reside in the world of Blackedy-Blackatopia whether you want to be there or not. You have no choice in the matter. Inside of this world there exists the land of Blackistan which is mostly inhabited by the Hotep Tribe who yearn for a real world of black male supremacy. Inside of Blackedy-Blackatopia there also exists the knee grow social justice warriors who reside in the lands of Hashtags & Protests and all they desire to do is drag people online who don’t agree with each & every talking point they post online and if shit really doesn’t go their way, they’ll break out the protest signs & marching shoes on you. Another main group in Blackatopia is the Femi-Negroes who live in lands known as Femi-Negro World. This group is mainly run by a bunch a black women who have been done wrong somehow someway by a black man in her past and now she spends the remainder of days babbling online about how black men ain’t shit. But don’t think the Femi-Negroes are just a bunch of loud mouth pissed off woman who can’t move forward with their lives, they are the masters of recruiting a bunch of lame ass male flunkies to join their ranks to repeat the same “black men ain’t shit” talking points as if these so-called “men” aren’t the exact black men that these Femi-Negroes are talking about. And finally, the other group is damn near every other black person who has created a social media account. We’re normally cast off by default into the country of Sleepy Land or we defect to this world once we grow tired of the other 3 never-ending bullshit (like me). I existed somewhere on the border of Blackistan and Hashtag World once upon a time, but I finally realized that most of these people were full of shit so I voluntarily moved my ass to Sleepy Land. The reason why it’s called Sleepy Land is because we are constantly accused of not being woke, not woke enough or we don’t fit into the other 3’s monolithic worldview for how they believe all black people should live their lives. For instance, in Sleepy Land a lot of so-called “nigga nerds” reside here, a lot of biracials (like myself) reside here because we’re constantly told one day we’re not black enough or if we aren’t trying to claim 100% black, then WE MUST WANT TO BE WHITE as if simply being biracial is completely off the table and we biracials have ZERO say in our identity. Also in this world, a lot of coons, people who are full of self-hate and people who hate black women are running around; despite there is rarely every any tangible proof to backup these claims. The mere fact that the accusation was made is enough to punish somebody…sort of like how this #MeToo thing works.
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