All Blacks Are Oppressed but Some Blacks Are More Oppressed Than Others

in blacks •  7 years ago 

There is a demand from Black Students United a group of black SJWs at Cornell University demanding the increase presence of underrepresented black students. Here’s the catch; these black students don’t include Africans or blacks from the Caribbean. Apparently blacks from other parts of the world are over represented at Cornell and like with everything else this is a social justice issue for people are incapable of fair competition in a free society. When all else fails demand an authority usually the state to fix everything, this includes personal accountability.

I wonder what the admissions process at Cornell or any other university is? Do they spend time and resource to systematically investigate with a fine tooth comb who is a native born black person and who is not? Or are they simply admitting the best and brightest based on merit? Logical and reasonable individuals would choose the latter. This is black liberalism; “I want, I want, I want”. We demand, we demand, we demand”. One must ask. Black liberals, are you accountable for anything and I mean anything? Are there anyone or anything you do not hate?

Ambitious black immigrants, this is the shape of things to come. It’s evident the black liberal hates everyone and everything that displays progress, even when that liberal may have achieved some level of success themselves. Why? Socially upward mobile blacks whether they are native born or an immigrant is a mirror to their face. It’s hard to claim constant racism and oppression when in the same racist and oppressive society other blacks are thriving. I have heard all the excuses as to why:

                      1. Black immigrants are given preferential treatment.  

                      2. Black immigrants sell out and suck up to white people.

                      3. Black immigrants get money from the government.

                      4. Black immigrants come here rich.

                      5. Black immigrants hate black Americans.

Notice what is never said? Most black immigrants appreciate the opportunities provided in the USA. Most black immigrants will work extra hard to carve out something here for themselves and their families as opportunities provided here are few and far between in their country of birth. The fact that no credit is ever given to the black immigrant for his hard work and contribution is a vile and intellectually dishonest practice.

The perplexing aspect here is that many black immigrants will come to the USA but end up leaning liberal i.e. supporter of the Democratic Party even though the DNC is completely opposed to their beliefs, work ethic, and strong family ties. But the left must eat itself one way or another and sadly the black immigrant is not immune to identity politics. Are black immigrants the model black minority? Absolutely not. But keep this in mind black liberal Americans. You do not own oppression or slavery. Not every black immigrant who comes here is living it up or making it as they say.

I will agree that SOME black immigrants do benefit from programs put in place to help you after years of discrimination. I also agree black immigrants and their offspring should not benefit from these programs. I think it should solely be for you as you are the native born black whose ancestors have toiled to secure these programs. It should be treated the same way as when black immigrants who decided to come to the USA have to prove they will not be dependent on Welfare etc. Currently if there is any suspicion you will be depended on government aid, you will not be granted entry into the USA and if you do come here and end up on welfare, you or your sponsor will have to repay the US government every penny used for social assistance plus interest. Yes you read that correctly.

With this in mind, I think it is fair for black immigrants to be exempted from paying taxes into such programs as well. This way their tax paying dollars can go towards their children’s education. By doing this, there would be enough money to pay for colleges that will admit them based on merit rather than justice of fairness.

While all blacks are oppressed but some blacks are more oppressed than others. Having these programs only available to the native born seems to be the appropriate action baring outright ban on blacks from other parts of the world immigrating to America. I wonder if President Barack Obama benefited from these programs? If the black SJWs at Cornell got their way he would have not been be eligible for any of what their ancestors had work so hard to secure. Think about it, a black father from Africa and a white mother from the United States. You can cut the privilege with a knife. May the most oppressed and disenfranchised win in the oppression Olympics. If black immigrants were smart they would avoid participating.


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