Black Liberals: The White Supremacist Of Black America

in blacks •  7 years ago  (edited)

If straight black men are the white people of black America. One must ask the question. Who are the white supremacist of Black America? Progressives and liberals have spent a long time using their media to paint black men as savage, deviant and violent brutes this has been perfected over the course many years. Whether its IQ, high testosterone or brain size. All manner of pseudo science have been employed to justify and portray black men as less than human. Fast forward to today. Now we have the same progressives and liberals with their black male and female lapdogs working even harder, more diligently to use mass media to tarnish and continue to push the negative stereotypes of black men.

Look at one of the agenda these black liberals such as Damon Young promote and support. Abortion, the data shows that in one year, New York had more black babies that were aborted than that which were born. Isn’t it a woman’s right to choose something black feminist support? Case in point Planned Parenthood’s support for Black Lives Matter. Now let’s keep in mind Planned Parenthood was started by a white supremacist, Margaret Sanger, a hero of Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton, a person many black liberals love and would die for. Most importantly, according to black liberal Bill Clinton was the first black President of America.

Let me ask you some simple questions. Wouldn’t a white supremacist support the murder of black babies? The more black babies aborted the less black people correct? I wonder how black liberals feel about abortionist Kermit Gosnell another white supremacist of Black America? Gosnell was sentence to life for a botch abortion which cost the life of a woman. It took the death of a non black woman for Gosnell to be prosecuted and sent to prison. Now, lets keep in mind this white supremacist of black America killed thousand of unborn black babies as he was left unchecked to carry out his deeds.

Again, who supports Planned Parenthood? Your enlightened liberal black democrats i.e. Damon Young and Black Feminist like him everywhere. Hence the silence when it comes to their comrade Kermit Gosnell. For arguments sake I will agree that us straight black men are the white people of black America. Can we also agree that within this community we have white supremacist such as Damon Young, a defender of white liberal policies that destroys black America?

Damon Young failed to highlight straight black men true status in America. Its one that of a mascot which white liberals and their lapdogs such as Damon uses at every turn to push their agenda. That’s our true status, mascots, whether its in life or death. Mr. Young’s article is a perfect example of this mascot status. I will repeat straight black men are only useful, for black feminist and white liberals only when times come to push their agenda. This is important, I want it to register. Don’t believe me? Go to the BLM website, show me where you see anything truly addressing the plight of black men in America laid out in their agenda. What you will see are pictures on the front page of dead black men where their images are used as props, again mascots. BLM and anyone who supports them are your enemy straight black men. They are against patriarchy, that means YOU the straight black male.

We will not sit by and be shamed for being straight and masculine. The straight black males are the last remaining remnant of masculinity in America. This is not a secret.

We straight black men may be white people of black America but within this group white supremacist exist, they are the likes of Damon Young and other black liberals who support destructive policies in Black America. Straight black men exercise your white privileged and leave. Do not associate and try to reason with the white supremacist in Black America. You are only responsible for yourself, wife and children if you have them. Leave!!!

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