How to choose wipers for cars

in blade •  6 years ago 

Look for brushes with cold resistant rubber and graphite base
Wipers. With the onset of the rainy season, mud and snow the old wipers need to be replaced.

Wipers. With the onset of the rainy season, mud and snow the old wipers need to be replaced.
In October, golden autumn days traditionally alternate with rains, mud and frosts. And if for pedestrians, this means that it’s time to stock up on warm clothes and shoes, for motorists, a change in weather conditions is a signal that it’s time to gradually prepare the car for winter. The first step is to check the effectiveness of the janitors. If after a few strokes of rubber assistants on the windshield there are still stains, the wiper blades must be urgently replaced. Otherwise, poor visibility in snow and rain can lead to a terrible accident. From the range of products offered in car shops, the eyes just run up - the shelves are full of brushes from different manufacturers and at different prices. "Today" has figured out how to choose the golden mean - optimal wipers in terms of price / quality ratio. If you want to find wipers so fast, try to search with Blade Size Finder -


Frame wipers. In the cold dubeyut and leave stains
This is the classic and most common design of janitors. A snug fit of the rubber blade to the convex surface of the glass provides a system of rocker arms with hinges. Before the 2000s, the hinge pivot axles of this design were completely metal. These wipers are inexpensive, but they are highly susceptible to loosening, respectively, serve not for long. In addition, metal hinges are more prone to frosting, wear out faster.
But in modern wipers and axles, and sleeves are made of plastic. Such less prone to icing and better cleared of ice. With a positive air temperature, such a design also has a good effect on the quality of the janitor: plastic hinges provide greater accuracy of the joints of the rockers, their mobility and rigidity of the frame in the transverse direction, due to which the rubber blade fits better to the glass.
However, all these statements are not always true. The fact is that if the wipers are cheap (in the bazaars you can often find products for 30-40 UAH per set), the materials from which they are made are of poor quality: the wipers creak and loosely adhere to the glass.

  • Affordable price
  • afraid of icing

Beskarkasniki. Serve longer, but not universal
They are a rubber-plastic body in the form of a spoiler, in which two thin metal plates are poured. Between them, introduced a rubber blade, which, in fact, cleans the glass. There are plastic plugs on both ends of the janitor, and a mounting bracket in the center. This design is less sensitive to icing, has no wear joints, and its aerodynamic characteristics are better. In addition, due to the smaller shoulder in the janitor wiper-leash system, such wipers do not warp, but move along the glass almost silently (the usual ones often creak). Interestingly, this design allows the replacement of the rubber blade (for this it is enough to remove the caps), which allows significant savings, and this is very important, because a set of these wipers costs about 300 UAH. for the product from the eminent manufacturer.
There is a drawback. Due to the design features - the strips are made of elastic steel with a bend of the "spring" strips in exact accordance with the curvature of the car glass - they are not universal (specific wipers are designed for a specific car). In addition, fastener systems of frameless brushes are not unified between different manufacturers.

  • Better icing resistance
  • Efficiency at high speeds
  • High price
  • Lack of universality

Hybrids. Work 12 months and better fit to the glass
This design combines a classic frame with a system of rocker arms and hinges with a compact plastic casing-spoiler. The main difference between the “hybrid” and the “classics” is at a particularly low height of the frame, thanks to which the designers were able to fit the frame under the low casing of the fairing. Wipers of this type also have the advantage of bodyless windscreen wipers - the effect of an aerodynamic wing, which increases the force of the pressure of the brushes on the glass. In turn, the presence of a developed articulated frame for this type of brushes ensures a tight fit of the rubber blade to the glass, which is important for vehicles with a highly convex windshield profile (and rear window on station wagons and hatchbacks).
Such wipers are expensive (from 50 to 100 USD.), But the price is offset by a long service life and cleaning quality. The reason for the best consumer qualities lies in the use of improved materials, for example, in such wipers manufacturers use an insert from natural rubber of high density, which withstands light, moisture and intense friction better than a synthetic analog - such wipers retain the elasticity, elasticity and geometry of working edges for 10 —12 months.

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