The latest slew of lies and misrepresentation needs to be addressed. This is illustrative of how disgusting these fucking people are.
What Blaire White said is that she knew that she was trans when she was five. So far, I haven't caught her in a lie. I disagree with her a lot; but, I don't think that she actively prevaricates. I believe her.
The thing is, she's also not a bad person, and she's vocally opposed to medically transitioning children.
The wokesters hopped on this to try to paint her as a hypocrite. Basically, she admits that she knew that she was trans as a kid, and the wokesters are trying to say that her stance on transitioning children doesn't mesh with that fact, that she's not believing the kids, or that she's denying the kids the care that made her who she is, or...well...the list goes on.
This is gross.
Blaire White has been incredibly open and honest about her life, and who she is, and why she thinks what she thinks.
There's nothing inconsistent in her worldview here. She's expressed her own regrets about aspects of her transition AS AN ADULT, like being permanently sterilized by the procedures. She doesn't want children to be subjected to the same fate.
She also understands that five-year-olds are far from being capable of making long-term choices like having children, or facing the possibility of not being able to have orgasms far before they know what they are.
The fact that the wokesters jumped on this with such alacrity shows how much large swaths of them want kids to be shot full of drugs, to have them sterilized before they even had a chance -- even before they stop believing in Santa, to wreck their lives before they even start.
Stop telling me that these people aren't coming after your kids for political gain -- they are.