Logo update.

in blender •  7 years ago  (edited)

This is what I did today.

This is my old one.

It is a whole new beast even though you might not notice much difference. I do like the new one better. It isn't about the colors, so I will explain.

I needed a refresher on modeling in Blender and luckily CGCookie has a great new modeling boot camp. I'm a member so I got right to it. The first section uses creating a logo to teach basic topology and I have been actually trying to do that with mine.


It was a bit of a challenge and I did run into a few minor hiccups along the way, but I am really happy with the result.

Now I have a graphic that is very versatile. I can change it in any way I want, which I will play around with, or animate it and a litany of other options.

Here is an example of playing around with something I have been thinking about a while now. I used the map indicator on the logo to create a light. It certainly need some tweaking, but the point is that there are endless options to play around with in helping people tell their stories.


Off I go back to Blender Modeling Bootcamp.

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Nice one .... first i thought it's 2d...only after looking closer i saw it is 3d :)

Right on! It isn't much different looking, but I think it gives a bit of pop or class to the look of even a 2d style logo. Either way, its fun.

Nice work! :D
It gives me idea for new Blender project.

I also have blog about 3D modelling.
I'd be glad if you would check it and give me some feedback about my projects. :)

Will do! Thanks for stopping by.