RE: Blender 2.80 RC3

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Blender 2.80 RC3

in blender •  6 years ago  (edited)

i had 2.79 for quite some time , it's probably the ichiban free tool in the world after linux itself ...

i use it for about all things gfx, in in combination with Gimp for my solo-projcet @tyrnannoght ( , of which @goldmanmorgan is like a sidekick to gather the playcoin ...because i cant draw more than stick figures by hand but blender opens it all up ...

The vids are 2.79, i havent gotten to checking wether it handles my needed plugins like MBlab in 2.80 yet , i was kinda hoping they would implement it as a standard, maybe even combined with proxy-clothes-by-default (it's a drag to wrap some cloth around a non-standard character it simply wont work for me, lol, weight transfers and what not, the pants just stay where they are) I just installed it after seeing blenderguru announcing the official on youtube , so i'm kinda hoping that 1.2 million they got as a donation will lead to an obsolete poser and makehuman by the next release :D (thanks for all the support on morgan btw, i wish i had the vp but its still building up (as you can see on the prev post, you're on the autovoter-list but it sometimes gets loaded when people post a lot so posts that are 6.5 days minus one hour by the time of voting get scraped off the list, it sometimes skips a few that way but otherwise its wasted anyway ...) sorry for teh spemz ;-) thanks much !!!!

any post-video mixing like the old @ubasti distro video or the "out of limbo" gateway "filmgrain" and bluescreen mixing stuff is done with kdenlive, the only thing i need windows for is gaming and milkdrop (the screenrecorder on linux just tears sometimes ...))


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This is not spam that is support from you. thanks for that 😉

glad to hear that, i wish i had the VP to add some more but its just slowly building up,
very (slowly) at the current rates , nonetheless ... quitting is not an option hahah

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