Racism Against Whites

in blm •  8 years ago 

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Racism against whites has been around for a long time. I deal with it all the time. I'm not allowed to even compete for certain contracts simply because I'm white. That's racism, plan and simple

You either want equality or you want special treatment. You cannot have both as they are mutually exclusive.

As long as we continue to give certain races special treatment there will never be equality and racism will continue. It is like riding on a see saw.

Black Lives Matter may have had a good reason for being formed yet the choice of names is racist. Why? Simply because it leaves things for interpretation. There are minorities in the BLM movement that are believing Black people are superior and they are simply practicing reverse racism and attacking white people.

If they want to say All Lives Matter... THAT is equality. No special treatment.

Perhaps when people stop identifying themselves as a race other than the human race things will get better.