8 Possible Reasons Why You Are Feeling Bloated

in bloating •  2 years ago 

8 Possible Reasons Why You Are Feeling Bloated.jpg

Bloating is characterized by sensations of tightness, pressure, or fullness in your stomach that can be accompanied by a swollen abdomen. The discomfort can range from mild to severe and ususally disappears over time. But for some people bloating may become a persistent issue.

To effectively deal with bloating, it is essential to understand what causes bloating. Finding the triggers can help you prevent bloating,avoid discomfort, and improve overall well-being.

Below are 8 possible triggers of bloating you need to know about.

1. High soda intake

Gas filling the bubbles in soda and other beverages like beer, champagne, and seltzer can load up your digestive system when you drink them. You may be able to burp some of them away, but once the gas enters your intestines, it will remain there until you pass it. Besides, most sodas are high in sugar, which might cause you to retain water and feel bloated as well.

2. Fructose intake

Fructose is a kind of sugar that your body finds more difficult to digest than others. This might result in gas, bloating, and digestive discomfort. Fructose is found in various foods including corn syrup. Fructose naturally occurs in some products like fruit (particularly dried fruit), honey, onions, and garlic.

3. Diet high in salt

Of course, your body needs salt. But most people consume far more than required. Excessive salt intake causes your body to retain water and lead to bloating or more significant health issues such as high blood pressure.

Most Americans consume almost two times more salt than recommended. They mostly get salt from prepackaged and fast foods. Check food labels for sodium (salt) levels, and keep in mind that just because your foods aren’t salty doesn't mean the salt isn’t there.

4. Too fast eating

The faster you eat, the more air you swallow. Once the air reaches your digestive tract, it can cause bloating. Because it can take up to 20 minutes for your stomach to inform your brain that you're full, you can eat until you're bloated before your brain gets the message.

5. Dairy products intolerance

Dairy products contain lactose, a sugar that is naturally found in milk and milk products. If your body can’t easily digest lactose, consuming dairy products might lead to gas, belly discomfort, and bloating. It's typically not serious, but avoiding milk products is a good idea. Taking medications can also support your digestion while eating dairy products.

6. Excess carbohydrates consumption

Carbohydrates are a quick-burning fuel that provides your body with energy. But consuming too many at once will make your body retain water. And the sooner carbohydrates enter your bloodstream, the higher the risk of bloating.

Simple carbohydrates, such as white bread, candies, pastries, and soft beverages enter your bloodstream very fast. Complex carbohydrates, like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, require more time to digest and enter your bloodstream.


FODMAPs are a type of carbohydrate that is metabolized at the end of your gut by microorganisms. As a result of this process, some people may experience gas, swelling, abdominal discomfort, and bloating. FODMAPs are found in a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and dairy products, including asparagus, garlic, pears, mangoes, peaches, wheat pasta, and rye bread.

8. Overeating

The size of your stomach is about the size of your fist. Of course, your stomach can stretch and contain more foods, but this can make you feel bloated, especially if you eat a lot of salty foods and carbohydrates. To avoid overeating, reduce the portion size and stop eating as soon as you feel full.

The bottom line

One great strategy to find out what makes you feel bloated is to keep a food diary. This is a daily log of what you eat and drink each day. A food diary can help you understand what products lead to bloating in your case.

If bloating causes severe discomfort and reduces the quality of your life, it is recommended to visit a gastroenterologist. The doctor can prescribe a special diet or medications to prevent bloating and ensure overall well-being.

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