The Blob

in blob •  7 years ago 

I love monster movies! To a kid there are a few things that come across as larger than life. Superheroes are one but monsters are another. The station that would become Fox’s flagship station the network WNEW (WNYW later) would air horror and sci-fi movies on the weekend and I’d watch them with my dad. I was introduced to my favorite monster Godzilla through that channel. While I love the big guy there was another monster that captures my interest just as much but hasn’t gotten the quite the acclaim that many other monsters possess. It is the Blob.

For Halloween people can dress up as the slashers from the 80s. The Universal Monsters are always staple for the Holiday. Ghostface from Scream is good if you’re lazy. At conventions people will cosplay as the Jigsaw puppet or as Chucky. There probably has been countless children that has taken that standard Godzilla from KB Toys and pitted him against a bucket of army men. The closest we get to the Blob is pretending with a washcloth in the bathtub, those little canister of slime for a quarter, or throwing on a blanket to chase siblings while you crawl on the floor.

I think the time is right for the Blob to make a comeback. As far as I can see the popularity of Blobfest is growing. It doesn’t have to be called the Blob, I like to use the term I got from a mail-in survival horror game which is living ooze. If they want to seed the public before releasing a reboot is to go the video game route first. I’m sure Resident Evil played a part in the Zombie Revival.

I don’t think I was ever really scared of the first movie except for theater scene. When I sat down to watch the remake when it came on cable I was terrified. After the hobo was killed the death scene of the jock triggers evolutionary fears in me. The fear of being eaten and not being able to breathe. The only thing in real life that could come close that happened to that kid in Yellowstone. His sister had to watch him being boiled alive and when they wanted to fish out the body the next day he was dissolved.

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The Blob (1988) SCARED me when I was younger. The kid in the sewer.. really upsetting stuff! At one point, Rob Zombie had plans to remake The Blob but I think he has since bailed on the idea. :(

Fun post- shot you a follow and an upvote!

Thanks! Yeah that sewer scene was scary and even though that kid was a brat I didn't expect the movie to have an on screen death for a younger kid. I didn't remember seeing too many horror flicks killing children it was usually teens and older.