Let's meet IoTeX, maybe it will become your assistant in the nearest future 🚕

in blochchain •  7 years ago  (edited)

IoTeX is the creating decentralized platform which is based on the blockchain and aimed for creation confidential surrounding. But, despite its fast increasing, IoTeX now is still very far the widespread acceptance and its content don’t have any important projects. So, no more users still joint.

The main idea of IoTeX is the consolidation all appliances from world of things to only ecosystem. So the person will be able to switch the light, kitchen appliances and other things for his smartphone. But it is quite simple. He can also move the picture from one TV screen to another and other very useful probabilities.

The evolution of creating the “Internet things” project stopped because the new problem appears, such as high expenses for application, confidential problems and others. IoTeX can solve this problem by introduction the economics based on digital tokens in IoT system. The developers say, that forces of the communities and digital currencies are two main things in internet things producing.

So, IoTeX is a high technology platform with a good scalability, and the new way of profile investments.

IoTeX is a hybrid of several variants of blockchain, joint together in one format, it means that it is root chain, then sub chain etc. To understand the differences between root and sub chains, it is first necessary to study the properties of each.

  • The rootchain is public, has a scalability and confidential when it is required, has a high security level, and the main quality is the ability of very fast creation of blocks.
  • The subchain can be and public and private, but it confidential and scalability depend of different projects, and its security level not so strict as in root chain.

So, if we join together these two chains we can achieve a great potential in the following items. First of all, it will help in the modernization of personal identification. Then, it will be useful for self-driven autos, the data changing system, and, of course, the managing of the smart house technologies.

A lot of experts consider that these objects which listed above, will be the best driver of blockchain in the future. For example, in Singapore experts are already discuss these two ways of blockchain evolution and think that there are the most perspective ways. And the most important is that it has a big influence to usual person.

This project will also help to create and evaluate subchain – a useful function during the operations with cryptocurrencies. For example, the creation of the blocks in root chain or sub chain makes a crosschain in a block. Crosschain helps to scale the Bitcoin through the subchains and back. So all tokens have their own address and Bitcoin blocked while proving the transaction.

In the start, it will be 10 billions tokens IoTeX, the nominal token will be the ERC20. And after starting the project it will come to each cryptocurrency market. First mining will be the highest income, than it will become lower.

Nobody knows about real future of IoTeX, but one of the experts said that if it won’t die it will generate mor than 10 000 billion dollars per year because the internet things will be increase annually.

The total amount members in Telegram already more than 50 thousand people, and it is necessary to notice tha IoTeX will sell only after 21 May 2018.

So, if the project will be success all civil engineers will use IoTeX based on blockchain technology for creating smart houses, that will follow the decrease of the process and IoTeX will become one of the most perspective projects of nowadays.

More information & recommendations:
IoTeX Website
IoTeX WhitePaper
IoTeX Telegram Channel
IoTeX Telegram Сhat
IoTeX Reddit
IoTeX Blog
IoTeX Twitter
IoTeX GitHub

Author: abuzaki
hash id is AT8pr
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