From The Television To Social Media : Why You Need To Master The Art Of Story Telling

in blockchain-blogger •  7 years ago  (edited)


No matter what you do online , your major interest should be how you tell your story. Stories is one of the things in Life that binds us together as Human beings

It is through stories that we will be able to connect with the deeper parts of different individuals

When I mean Story telling, I don't really mean the traditional form of Story telling we are all familiar with. A fiction blogger can do that and experience growth. What I am talking about here is how we all should represent ourselves online In general

Online Story telling involves the process you take in telling people about what you do, or what you care about. It also involves all the steps you take in trying to bring people value online

The number one commodity online is attention and Social Media is a place that has humongous amount of attention. This commodity called attention is available in huge amounts but it is still scarce at the same time

The total estimated number of social media users online in 2017 was 2.46 Billion. Now thats a whole lot of eyes, and for you to actually break out you have to provide what is capable of holding people attention

Before the invention of the remote control in the 1950's people who owned televison had to watch advertisements because they were too lazy to stand up from their seats. Television ads had more Impact because people actually watched them

The television remote gave people to flip through as many channels as they like without getting up to change the channel from the knob on the Television body, this saw a gradual decrease in the effectiveness of television ads

Social Media is the televison remote on Steriods, people can easily scroll past a post that took you three hours to write and you may never get a second chance for them to view it again

So whether you are a food blogger trying to tell stories of your dishes, or a back-end developer trying to tell us how one line of code frustrated all your work. You have to tell these stories in a captivating way that draws people in

Humans value their time a lot. It is one thing which is very limited,but ends up being wasted a lot, so people have learnt to put up filters to determine the kind of things they spend their time on. They also like to dictate how they spend their time even if it is spent doing things that they enjoy

That's why you will see a season film of 13 episodes and someone will want to finish it in one Night. I remember those when we will have to wait for another Thursday to get the next episode of Super Story which is a popular story series in Nigeria


Context is Queen

Content might be king but, context is queen. You need context to grow relationships on any platform, be it Steemit or Facebook

When it comes to Steemit you have to learn to Market your difference where the eyes of people are, and the best place to do that is in the comments section. Many people still underrate the value of commenting.In building my blog, commenting contributed 80%

Another Important thing on social media is letting the best quality content get to you based on your actions. I don't follow people anyhow on social media because I know that the value of my following detemines the value of content that comes to me organically

I also study the content Of people that have the valuable Information I need to move forward. And when it comes to seeking out new Information, some people tell me that their post don't make money without remembering the fact that they are also increasing their knowledge

I don't study online content or take online courses just to earn money with the posts those content will inspire. I do it because I know that the knowledge will open me up to more opportunities in the long run

In the social media world, attention is the only commodity you have to give reverence, find out different ways to get It and you will excel in your field

And the only way to do this is to act Human and bring people value

Thanks For Reading

Image Source : Pixabay

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I get a lot of knowledge from your post some of which your main interest is how you tell your story.
Stories are one of the things in Life that binds us together as Humans
Through the story, we can connect with the deeper parts of different individuals
I mean telling stories, I do not really mean the traditional story form that we all know. Fictional bloggers can do that and experience growth.

Thanks for reading @aaaalmira

Good story telling is so important to success in all aspect of business and corporate relationships, fund raising etc...thanks for sharing

Thanks for reading and for chipping in your thoughts @charles1

the reason why i always read your post is because it is always inspirational.i learnt alot in this your story and you just showed people a link to progress in blogging.

thanks for sharing
God bless

Thank you very much for your contribution!! really that your advice is very helpful !! 1
I'm taking note of each of them. thanks for letting you know what you have learned over time! @ogochukwu God Bless you!!

Thanks and God bless you too @saulrico

Your blog have been one if not the best blog i enjoy coming online to visit. Your words practically explain how one can engage him or herself and getting quality attention in social network.

Seriously speaking, many quality documents are left unattended to because of the flooding on social networks.

But here on steemit commenting and investing on others life have been a great tool to draw attention.
Thanks a lot for creating value @ogochukwu

Thanks for accepting the value I create @godswill

I was referred to you by the @theheralds and @nairadaddy who told me how good ur articles were, When I first came across your post I really saw what a good post should look like, and since then all ur articles that I've been seeing have really motivated me in way I can never imagine. I almost gave up when I was first introduced to this platform because I felt its not what I can do all by myself, but by God's grace am getting somewhere.

Hello @vintageverve

I am glad that my posts were able to inspire you. The thing with Steemit is that consistency and Hardwork will make you stand out in no time.

Social Media is the televison remote on Steriods, people can easily scroll past a post that took you three hours to write and you may never get a second chance for them to view it again

This is an excerpt that ain't blogger can relate to. The worry is no longer if there are quality contents out there but if people will actually take the time to read these contents

Thanks for reading @molokwu

I think your article is very good I think you have to master the topic we are talking about to publish quality content
It is not publish to publish it does not matter if we make a publication a day but that is of
We must be original and tell things as we understand them

Thats very true @jennimorillo . Is is not only about publishing. You have to provide value

Hi @ogochukwu,
It's a fact that story telling is a good way to sale oneself.
Some of us are trying very hard to master this art.
I find this very helpful.
Thanks sir.


It takes practice and effort. When I view some of my old posts. I don't believe that I was the one who wrote them. @largerben

It's originally stated very creative...

Story telling as a profession will never die, because businesses will always need someone to tell the stories of their brands and products.

I'm happy to see a fellow understanding the power behind a well told story.

Context is queen.

This word is bae. Just like you likly pointed out, there are many eys yet limited attention cos of time maximization.

The power of "good" comments never seizes to amaze me on social medias both here other platforms, its simply impactful to meaningfully contribut to other peoples work,it dosen't just add to them, it adds to you.

Context is queen.... Thanks for this.
I owe it to this post to share, and uovote.


Attention is the currency that underpins all the others. Money? Money just allocates where attention needs to be.

Control attention and you control everything human.

Someone upvoted one of my article @minge, I dont know her but I think she's korean and im Glad because of her i got a chance to get to know you and your article! upon looking at her account and enjoying scanning her blogs. their I found your article I am inspired with it. somehow I thank her! she brought me to someone has the knowledge to appreciate human being and valued people original doings. I am thankful I got here as a newbie in steemit, Im glad I read your article it really help me understand more here in steemit and on to myself as a Human being. Your article enlightens people who are following you!
thank you @ogochukwo

Thanks for your kind words @rotchel

The history of the exist of life is through story.
Mean why, i believe in the Story Honor of my great- ground fathers who state that no man is without worth.