On Work And Life : Why Your Critics Are Not The Ones Who Matter

in blockchain-blogger •  7 years ago  (edited)


Criticism is one thing that have always crippled people in one way or another. The reason why most creatives don't produce is because they are afraid of what people will say.

This fear of criticism can also make someone feel that they don't actually belong even when they are making progress. Such people fail to see themselves as the Creatives they truly are. They have that feeling of being an Imposter

What people fail to realize is that art is a function of connectivity. It is your art, be it words or Images that will make people connect with you. I know Steemians like @stellabelle who go round this platform on a daily basis looking for Creatives to connect with

Most people are afraid to go big in what ever they are doing because they don't want to go through the motion of defending their work against the criticism of strangers on the Internet. The truth however is that you need to go through that Stage to actually get better

It is not the critic who counts, it is not the man who stands and points out where the strong man stumbles

Or how the doer of deeds could have done better

The credit belongs to the Man who is actually in the arena, who face is marred with blood sweat and blood

Who at the best in the end knows the triumph of high achievement, and who if he fails, fails doing greatly

This quote by Theodore Roosevelt shows that, it is not about winning or losing. It is about showing up and being seen that matters

We all know that victory is not sure in everything we do, but we all know that anything worthwhile will surely take us through things that will stretch us. No matter what you do, there is always a time of testing.

Once you commit yourself to creating anything in Life, you will surely encounter adversity. Adversity is the consequence for courage

Criticisms on their own is important as they help shape whatever you are doing, but they are limit to the kind of ones you will let shape whatever you are doing. On the Intenet these days everyone has an opinion.

One of the ways to choose what criticism to evaluate is the source. If the person criticising is not in the Creative game, then you have to really evaluate the person opinion to know whether to take it to heart


We all have those periods of fantasy where we lie in bed and Imagine the things we will do to Impact the world in a better place, while all the time we have those things inside us that can effect change, but we get addicted by the comfort that comes from living out those things only in our heads

We always let things like fear, self-doubt,comparism, anxiety and uncertainty hold us down from taking the important step.

You will have to take that bold step and embrace vulnerability, because it is one of the things that you require to create. Embracing your vulnerability makes you real in the outside world. You don't put up fake facades to make people accept you

Another Impossible desire people have is to attain zero criticism for whatever they are doing.But in the creative world there are three things that are always constant and they are shame,scarcity and comparism

Shame is a universal feeling where Humans feel that they are not enough, and that they will never be able to meet up with the expectations of the public

Scarcity is a feeling that crops up from the Imposter syndrome. You find yourself saying " there are hundreds of people already doing this and most of them are better and well trained than me. What can I possibly do that have not been done before ?"

Comparism is looking at all ways your work is inferior from that of others. You constantly seek out those who are better than you and may use it as an excuse to quit what you are doing


You have to learn to reserve seats for your critics. So when you are doing something that may seem strange and futile to those around you, don't shut them out. Have a discussion with them and let them know that even if they are not really in support of what you are doing, you have the utmost belief that it will work out

One of the things that will help you push through this is a clarity of values. Determining what your values are will help you determine how you are to make life choices. I have had numerous advice from people on how best to conduct myself on this platform, but when an advice clashes with my Values, I ignore it

Another thing you need to have in place is a cheerleader, someone who will support you. A person who even if you fail will be there to pick you up and help you stand on your feet again.

I say this because Failure is neccessary for progress. If you are not failing then you are not showing up. We have all had failures, but I have noticed that all my failures in Life have taught me huge thing that ensured victory in the long run

In closing I want to let you know that the world will go on, whether you are in it or not. Critics will always be around as far as there are people. You just have to reserve seats for them in advance and do what you are detemined to do

Thanks For Reading

Image Source : Pexels

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Hi @ogochukwu
I remember the times that i used to think that nobody will accept the things i do, i was so conscious of what people will say and i just stayed in my comfort zone. But when i found the world is moving me and that fortune favours the bold, i destroyed the box i created for myself and life is good. There is much fulfillment when your living your true potential, right now, i see my failures as lessons..

That's very true. You have to taste a lot of things on your way to success.

It is just like cooking soup,you need to check for all Ingredients before completing the cooking process.

Thanks for sharing this article @ogochukwu

I must add, that criticism can either make you better or make you worst. The result of criticism is dependent on the person who's criticized.

To one criticism, may trigger you to leave your comfort zone and achieve results. To another, criticism may mean discouragement.

That's where we need cheerleaders, people who will encourage us to pursue our goals with diligence.

Thanks for sharing @ogochukwu

To one criticism, may trigger you to leave your comfort zone and achieve results. To another, criticism may mean discouragement.

Thanks for the added wisdom. @kingsley-clement

Hello @ogochukwu.

Thanks for sharing this powerful post... Reading it made me feel like you were looking at my heart and writing it, because this is exactly what I needed at the moment.

Critics will always be around as far as there is people.

You just have to reserve seats for them in advance and do what you are determined to do.

Keep steeming brother! ☺


I am glad that I was able to inspire you @kayceesuave

There's a misconception that criticism is bad. It's not, it's the lifeblood of improving. (Of course it has to be aimed at the work itself, not at the person.)
Many artists are out there right now, BEGGING for crits, for any kind of feedback. Cheerleaders make us feel warm and successful, but it could be an illusion. Critics make us grow. The harsher and more truthful, the more we grow. Of course it's painful, and most people would prefer to avoid pain.
For this reason there's the "Sandwich" method of criticism - start your feedback with something good, then do all the real crits (keeping it constructive of course), and finally end with another positive point.

Yeah @stahlberg

I came across the sandwinch method last year and I must say that it is an effective tool when it comes to evaluating someone's work.

Comparism is looking at all ways your work is inferior from that of others. You constantly seek out those who are better than you

That is an excerpt from my life. Relating it to steemit, I've had numerous ideas but comments from critics have driven these ideas down the drain

Just like the post explained you have to really evaluate the Criticisms to know genuine ones and those who are just trolling

Adversity is the consequence of courage

Chai! This line hit me, meeehn! In fact, the whole essay makes me feel attacked 😢

But seriously, it hits home. I have spent too long not accomplishing anything because, as long as I didn't try, I could always have it in the back of my head that "yeah, I could do it if I really wanted to" like the reverse of the drug addict mantra "I can quit whenever I want -- I just don't want to."


Time to get back on the horse. Thanks for this.

I am glad that I was able to get you back on the horse @edumurphy

Bad and Good,
Man and woman,
Angels and Demons, bla bla bla...

Nature from the magnanimity of her wisdom was wise enough to allow life have two sides. Antagonism or criticism is the best way to subject our efforts to scrutiny.

Even in modern democracy, the importance of opposition cannot be overemphasized, because these are those from the sidelines who act as watchdogs over incumbent government.

In the Universe of the Scholars, no theory is ever so good to the extent that it becomes devoid of criticism, that's not possible.

However, I will not fail to point out that, the victim of these criticisms should remain resolute and undeterred, because without opposition, They will be no progression.

So Criticisms and opposition is as important as creativity itself.

Thanks @ogochukwu for this insightful piece.
I've been missing a lot.

I can say that this is one of the best comments I have received this year. Thank you for this powerful droplet of wisdom



It is impossible to grow as a writer, artist, or just a creative person if all you do is nothing. These kinds of skills are like everything else in life you need to practice and hone them in.

I just go into things knowing no matter what someone out there is going hate it. People have such false notion that they are going be “popular” and “loved” by all. Some people become so addicted to these “needs” they have that they dress, talk, and act in a manner they deem will make them look “popular” and “loved.”

I have noticed many people have such fears on Steemit and they also let trying to be “perfect” get the best of themselves. You look and see they have 0 blogs o maybe they have one or two and that is all. I try my best to tell them things like “start off with an intro post and be yourself.” For the most part, unless you are going out of your way to offend and anger people off they tend to just go to the next blog then pass on their criticism.

You never fail to shed more light on issues with your amazing comments.

I too have noticed people who rarely blog but comment actively.

Thanks for the added wisdom @enjar

criticism will always be there as far as you are still dealing with human being.
that is true

and without criticism there will not be a patterned way of doing things and will be living free life without progress.

@ogochukwu thanks for sharing this .is a food for thought.
blessings good friend.

Thanks for reading @egbujorvictor

This is a powerful post, more powers to our elbows.

Thanks for sharing this awesome post, your content always bring dead and dried bone back to life, honestly this post is specifically meant for me and I really appreciate your work. Once again God bless you for blessing my life with this post.

Thanks and God bless you @frank4jesus

Its only the tress that bears friut that get stoned by passerbys, but will that make it to stop produceing friuts..? No!

These days, everyone has an opinion, everyone wants to be recognised whether with facts or guess works, but they fail to reailise that not everyone must have an opinion.
But the greatest critic we all have is not those around, but the ones within. Becaus until you learn how to turn off your inner critics sometimes and allow yourself to flow without doubt or fear is key to creativity, becaus a creative mind is one who didn't tame his demons.
Nice piece @ogochukwu

Reflections from @arinzechukwu

You never fail to show your wisdom in the comment section. Thanks for remaining true @arinzechukwu

Thanks for sharing this..
True there we will be criticized in one way or the other. Accused falsely but we have to learn to ignore lots of things and people. We have to learn to move on .. No matter what!


Just the kind of words I love to hear.. U are a source of inspiration to many around you. It is no news people on steemit look forward to your posts. I am blessed by this.

#Thanks @Ogochukwu

Thanks for reading @iamlisafi

Paragraphs hitting the soul back to back😧.

Everybody is a critic. Even from primary school when I first started writing stories, someone actually told me I used too many commas, and it entered my soul.

Some "critics" might just be crocodiles trying to drag you back into the mud. Even as a grown up now I let critics derail my life.

But no more.

I guess the import of all this gra gra I'm writing is "Give critics a seat, but don't be afraid to tell them to GTFO if they overstay their welcome."

Nice post, bro.


Too many commas 😂😂😂

This is the height of it. That must have hurt badly.

I am glad you survived that trauma

Steem On

Amen @ogochukwu, that is how it is! wao I really liked your reflection!
I take it for me.
everything you said constantly @ysabelbencomo my future wife tells me.
because sometimes because of the shame of failing, I give up before trying, an example was to join steemit, she gave me the courage to do it because I did not want to.
I told him that I was not going to do well.
but thanks to those cheers I am here striving to be better and to exploit my talents.
thanks for your post it was very helpful! God bless you.

This is wonderful @ogochukwu. I especially like this comment:

"I say this because Failure is neccessary for progress."

Really, if we don't fail, we don't know what whether what we're doing is right or wrong. We should learn not to be afraid of failure because when we look at it with a positive mindset, we see that we're actually moving forward.

Well done!