Taking stock of seven innovative explorations of blockchain-medicine integration

in blockchain-medicine •  2 years ago 

With the continuous development and progress of contemporary medicine and the ensuing difficulties and challenges, researchers have focused their attention on blockchain technology, which is at the forefront of the times, and have high hopes. This article may give you a partial answer to the question of how the two can be combined and developed.
1、Clinical application
As a distributed ledger, the biggest feature of blockchain is that it is uncodifiable, transparent and open. This is even more significant for clinical experiments. If blockchain technology is applied to clinical trials, recording imaging data and synchronizing it on top of the global blockchain network, it will make all real data open, transparent and reviewable. The barriers to medical applications will also be completely broken. And this will be a great help and guarantee for clinical medicine which values the practice results.
2、Technology application

  1. Blockchain technology has traceability. When there is a change in medical measurement, without manual inquiry, the system will query the improper operation according to the measurement record, thus ensuring the accuracy of its measurement and the authenticity of data.
  2. One feature of the distributed ledger is that each node can replicate the same copy of the ledger, and each updates the data without interfering with each other. This means that when researchers sign their own data content individually in order, they can then submit this comprehensive report upwards, and if there is a mistake in some of the data, the person responsible can be found. It also facilitates researchers to search for information in practice by simply finding the relevant data report they want to see without having to browse through all of them.
  3. Blockchain is divided into public and private chains. This allows patients' medical data to be shared with medical staff while also allowing them to control access to private data.
  1. Management Applications
  1. Blockchain can analyze who is participating and contributing more based on the data that identifies the input intelligence algorithm, and thus receive relevant financial rewards, which in turn will form a virtuous circle and increase the motivation of doctors and patients to participate in the process. At the same time, the combination of the distributed nature and blockchain technology ensures the confidentiality, fairness and accuracy of its data.
  2. Blockchain technology can be used to monitor medical devices. As medical device management systems (PMS) become more and more complex, the cost of managing them rises, but because of their importance, they cannot be slowed down. By using the consensus mechanism in blockchain to manage it, we can improve its efficiency and protect the interests of its participants.
  3. With blockchain technology, the platform can provide a large amount of high-quality medical data, which can help medical professionals to learn more about artificial intelligence algorithms without infringing on the intellectual property rights of the owners of the information they share.
  4. The use of blockchain technology allows individuals to have access to and control over information and to record where their information data is used, and this can facilitate more active participation of medical researchers in the practice process.
    Specific areas and case results of blockchain combined with medicine
    1、Healthcare system reform
    Love DAO, as a decentralized medical project, mainly tries to use Web3 concept and blockchain technology to solve the problems in the modern medical system, promote the collaboration of all participants by sharing data and crowdfunding, improve its development efficiency and realize its democratic assets.
    At the same time, Love DAO takes scientific research to an ideal height, allowing its benefit recipients to self-fund and self-discover promising medical projects, thus changing the operation mode of the entire medical industry.
  1. Drug discovery and development
    Molecule is a platform for funding, collaborating and trading early-stage biopharmaceutical research projects. Its primary role is to provide researchers with access to NFT projects representing intellectual property, and its platform uses IP-NFT to share the project's intellectual property, data and other information with everyone. It also allows for license-free transactions to unlock biopharmaceutical IP on DeFi in the form of collateralized IP.
    For researchers, this approach can guarantee their autonomy and intellectual property rights, and attract investors to purchase and fund through their own research content casting related IP-NFT, which greatly drives the motivation of their researchers and transforms the way biomedical research is funded and developed, and also allows its participants to manage the relevant community autonomously.
    3、Regenerative Medicine
    The FuTureNFT ecosystem focuses on stem cell therapies and tissue engineering in regenerative medicine, and its greatest value is optimizing its transaction matching model, lowering its payment rates, and driving investors to pledge ECC passes for corresponding returns.
    FuTureNFT makes use of its distributed database and global trading system to directly connect its consumers to medical merchants, solving the cumbersome and difficult procedures for transnational medical treatment and the high consumption of payment costs, greatly driving the use and development of regenerative medicine, and allowing people with regenerative medicine needs to receive the corresponding pledge rewards.
    4、Reproductive medicine
    MyBaby is a blockchain-based embryo development tracing system, which realizes embryo visualization, and its application sets the login access rights to guarantee the privacy of its medical data, and also improves the transparency of the medical process and increases the trust between its doctors and patients.
    MyBaby, a blockchain project, has made its related medical services reach the optimal solution and the most efficient, which has improved the development progress of the whole industry and clarified its development direction.
    5、Genetic testing
    Blockchain technology for the detection, collection and analysis of large-scale genetic data not only makes the whole genetic sequencing more accurate, but also allows users to have control over their genetic data and to be rewarded for their personalized feedback when conducting medical research. This approach is also applicable to today's nucleic acid testing systems, allowing for more efficient and accurate results.
    6、Surgical anesthesia
    As a widely used drug in clinical anesthesia, isoproterenol requires considerable care in its practical application to patients with respiratory problems, as the amount of dosage involves the patient's respiratory rate. The blockchain-based intelligent medical system can be used to combine the medical database, medical personnel experience and the specific condition of the patient for automated analysis and processing, so that the system can more accurately control the dosage of the drug and improve the safety and efficiency of its clinical surgical use.
    In psychotherapy, blockchain technology can be used to create a virtual world, using its virtual identity, allowing it to better establish doctor-patient trust. At the same time, it also allows psychotherapy to break the traditional barriers, put down the patient's guard, make it easier to receive treatment, improve the efficiency of communication and treatment, and improve the pattern of the whole psychological medical system.
    Blockchain technology - the key to a new world of medicine
    According to our previous perception of blockchain, it represents a rather advanced and avant-garde technology, but based on this article, we can realize that it is not only a futuristic technology, but it is also slowly deriving quite warm and valuable applications.
    Blockchain can be applied to the real-world medical field to promote the development of its human health. At the same time, it brings a subtle impact and contribution to the development of the entire medical field. Although the area covered by blockchain is still only the tip of the iceberg of medicine, it is believed that more medical cases will be combined with blockchain to participate in the application and practice in the future, so that the two can reach the realm of complementary and mutual development to create a more ideal and better tomorrow.
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