Deutsche Bank: Blockchain Opportunities Are 'Huge'

in blockchain-opportunities •  7 years ago 

According to Deutsche Bank's chief investment officer, Blockchain Technology shows a major change in how companies do their business. In a slide presentation this month, the global head of Christian office Christian Noling, the bank's global principal fund and Marcus Muller, told how digital currencies and block-chains work and predict where they will go in the future.

These opportunities associated with blockchain technologies are huge and according to the presentation, can be fully exercised in the next few years. These bankers have predicted that by 2027, approximately 10% of global GDP will be tracked or otherwise "regulated".

Presentation said: They expect that Block-Can will change the business model of the companies in a continuous manner. Blockchain Technology swings and manipulates properties and financial products between individuals without a person [arbitrator], which reduces the inequality of information among individuals.

Lukewarm on the currencies

This is when the cryptocurrency promises to be low as per the barrier technology presentation; the bank is classifying digital currencies as "highly speculative" because they have to defer an internal value or to support the central bank. Although Cryptococcus fut. can represent the option of currencies, especially in countries with runaway inflation, they require more regulation and protection to become a proper asset class according to the presentation.

Generally, digital currencies can develop in many possible ways, some of which are key factors in which the competition between government intervention and different currencies is influenced. This possibility of hard forks to create a new currency is a possible cause of concern because it can cause inflation; it has been said in the presentation. Apart from this, the central bank can develop their crypto counter and replace the private ones in the market.

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So what? The future is going to hold a walk in bank where you can access your crypto wallet, sell coins to the teller, and get cash back in exchange? Or walk in with cash buy coins for your wallet and walk out with more coins in your wallet that can fluctuate in value?

So like a walk in @blocktrades ? Or micro exchange market?