RE: Blockchain comparison through phones

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Blockchain comparison through phones

in blockchain •  8 years ago 

Haha, yeah that was my point about it being futuristic. ^^

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Yeah, I'm tired...Hahaha. I feel like my brain is fried, and I should go to bed, but I'm too focused on trying to be on here...Damn it, lol.

How are you doing today, man? You doing alright, bud?

Yeah doing a lot better, finally slept for more than 4 hours at a time last night. Thanks for asking!

Yep, Steem is like the most addictive drug out there currently.. :D

Good! I'm glad to hear that, bro! I've noticed I've had issues getting decent sleep lately as well. Been having a lot of bizarre nightmares for some reason all of a sudden.

Dude, you're not wrong. I feel like I'm literally becoming obsessed with being on here, lol. Think about it constantly. Part of it is because I'm trying to use it to make a living, the other part is just that I love posting and interacting with people. Never been like this with reddit or facebook, so it's kind of weird. At least my girlfriend is supportive of my addiction, hahaha.

Yeah man - the change in interaction here between users is amazing. I've never witnessed a more supportive and caring community before.

Tell her to create a Steemit account as well then you can both share the addiciton!

Hope you start to feel better soon too! Nightmares are really annoying, I've learned to become lucid when I noticed its a nightmare to escape them. (doesn't work 100% of the time, though)

Honestly, I can agree with you on that. I was fairly involved in a decent number of subreddits for years, and never saw anywhere near the care and support that people give on here. It's wonderful hearing such encouragement to succeed and enjoy myself from total strangers!

That would be the downfall of us, lol. We'd be like cave dwellers, never leaving our room, getting blacked out curtains, and constantly on our PC/Phones...Doesn't sound that bad, actually :p

Thanks, man! I don't usually have nightmares which is why I'm so weirded out. Actually, I only usually only dream maybe once a month...So, having several nightmares for a few days in a row is really strange for me. Plus, these are very, very lucid nightmares too which I don't know why. Hopefully it cuts out soon, nothing I can really do besides that, haha.

If I could teach myself to lucid dream to get out of it, that would be fucking great. But, it seems like it's really difficult to learn how to do that. How'd you do it?

I played around with it a lot in highschool, slept during the days for a couple hours to lucid dream. :P takes some practice, I browsed r/luciddreaming a lot.

Of course there's a subreddit for it, lol. I don't even know why I don't check reddit first before asking about stuff, there's always a damn sub for it, haha!

I'll pop over there and read up a bit! Might give learning it a try, I think it could be worth it if it can help me get my brain to stop torturing me while I sleep :P

Or, like the genius Adam Meister would probably say, I just want to have nightmares because I'm poor and don't have an Iphone like all the homeless people.