A humorous take on the daily life of a Crypto enthusiast/Blockchain technologist

in blockchain •  7 years ago  (edited)

8 am - Wake up - Check CoinMarketCap - Everything in red - "I should buy today"

9 am - Start writing technical document for a client's groundbreaking, earth-shattering, never-before, highly centralized crypto exchange

9:15 am - Complete one paragraph - People around start talking about Ripple and XRP - Join conversation - Argue until victory is achieved.

10:30 am - Get back to writing - EOS price starts crashing - Time to buy - Open Binance app - Everything in red - "Not time yet" - Close Binance app - Start writing again.

11:00 am - Finished writing one page - Boss calls in for a meeting - Requirement changed! - Client wants decentralized fish token marketplace - Throws away all the work.

11:15 am - Need to research about fish tokens - Search on Google - Open CoinDesk article about "Supply chain tracking of tuna on IBM Hyperledger." - Start researching IBM Hyperledger - Too complicated - Start watching tutorial videos - Give up - Get back to writing

12 pm - LUNCH! Tuna sandwich with crypto colleagues. Discuss prices, dwindling portfolio valuations, and hail crypto, and bash traditional financial systems in a noisy restaurant full of bankers

1:30 pm - Continue writing - EOS at all time low - Time to buy - Open Binance app - "Damn not enough Bitcoin balance" - Close Binance app - Continue writing

2 pm - Finished writing one-page - Requirements changed! - Client wants Fish ICO - Throw away everything - Start figuring out token economics - Write first line of whitepaper

3 pm - Go to youtube for guidance - Get distracted - Start watching videos about Oroboros proof of stake in Cardano - Fall asleep watching video

3:15 pm - Wake up to 15 LinkedIn message invitations to the mega Blockchain event - BLOCK('insert random noun') ('insert present year') ('insert expensive slogan') where ticket prices start from $5000 for ('insert cheap metal name') sponsorship and an 80% discount with promo code SLIGHTLYSKETCHY123

5 pm - Pointlessly float through LinkedIn - Then Medium - Then Hackernoon - Then Reddit - "Blockchain is the future!" - "ICO Moons!" - "Airdrops!" - "When LAMBO?!" - "Decentralized Uber for laundry!" - "250,000 transactions per second!" - "SCAM" - "CRASH" - "HACK" - "SCALING" - "JP MORGAN" - "BUBBLE" - "Blockchain is a lie!"

7 pm - Close laptop - Topup Bitcoin in Binance - Go home

9 pm - More Youtube - More news - More fancy infographics - More LinkedIn bashing - More whitepapers, yellow papers, orange papers - Suddenly recall EOS crashing

10 pm - Open Binance - EOS goes to the MOON - 90% in last 2 hours - Go to sleep in sadness

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That's true!


I love it! So much of this rings true and I'm not even a developer. You nailed the crypto world, for better and for worse.

Thank you so much. That's very motivating :)

Quite funny and interesting life of blockchain enthusiast or developers.

Everything needs effort and consistency! If this is your passion, keep going forward!!!

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Thank you so much gdiaz7

it's my day

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment