AlGas as a factor of innovation

in blockchain •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hello everyone! And again about ALGas. Let’s talk today about its application to create a stable cryptocurrency for mass services.

Aim: to create a stable coin for services. In fact, ALTCoin is based on ALT-gas.

By introducing an alternative service gas, we thereby deprive the Ethereum system of the monopoly on gas. And the entire global crypto system becomes even more decentralized. But we always support backward compatibility with Ethereum gas, considering it only as one of an infinite variety of service gases.

On this path, we can support a lot of independent detachments that want to deprive Ethereum of a monopoly on the development of gas technology. For example, Waves. In the end, the gas market should supplant the market of tokens. All failed tokens will use the GONT service gas technology for the pump of their price.

Also, GONT can become a central platform for conducting atomic swaps between blockchains (due to the universal hybrid EVM = GONT VM) and even displace the business of crypto-instruments.

Binding to the cost of electricity and national currency: 

The main requirement for currency for mass services is its stability (absence of “wild” volatility), as well as the reasonableness and transparency of its price in the measures of other currencies. From this point of view, the Tether currency, which is always equivalent to $1, is very interesting.

The most obvious way to establish the stability and transparency of the currency is to tie its value to the price of electricity. Thus, we ensure the stability of the cost of GONT services for end users.In this case, for speculators, we also leave a loophole, introducing futures for the purchase of AlGas.

To calculate the emission of a new GONT currency (GONTCoin), we need to know the exact statistics of consumption of resources and resources for all GONT services at all time intervals.

For this, we need two things: Blockchain and a complete service gas system, absolutely accurately measured by the virtual machine GONT VM (analog EVM).Blockchain also takes into account all the facts of gas consumption (all transactions of the system).

The GONTCoin should be sufficient in the system to purchase the service gas. And with the addition of new services, there will be a controlled emission.

Gas in a real GONT economy 
In the real economy, a dynamic parameter is added-the complexity of the service. The maintenance margin over the cost of electricity. The electricity consumption can be easily calibrated, and the complexity of the service is determined empirically by the creator of the service gas. At the same time, the cost of GONT coins should be counted on a weighted average [to come up with a formula] for the cost of all GONT services. Therefore, a normal economy balance should appear. Likewise, the miners can regulate their services over the cost of electricity. But there must be limits to the price increase from the base (electricity) – we introduce a corridor a coefficient of complexity for the price of gas.

Criticism of Ethereum Tokens

There is no mechanism for the formation of a fair price, except for the speculative and the mechanism of “promises”. Especially at the ICO stage. Which is not suitable for serious investors.

  • There is no mechanism for entering the service “algebra” of calculations and for service sharding. For example, it is possible to introduce algebra on the ontological proximity of service transactions and to build a slender concept of network sharding on GONT Tree.
  • Tokens are indivisible. Difficulties of calculation for microservices within a single service.
  • You need a wallet for tokens.

Extra operation:
Purchase ETH => purchase a token => ServiceinsteadETH => Tools

  • gas flow is automatically counted inside EVM
  • automatic flow and accountingFor gas there is no determinism of the service before payment. There is only a spending limit. The expense (and billing) is determined after the service has been processed.

Gas consumption is automated.

– The power of multiplicity
For example, in the service of dictionaries there can be 100 thousand different “molecules” of gas (by the number of words). And the dictionary is constantly growing. Adaptive billing – for the consumption of a specific “molecule”, not for all at once (by scope). This builds a fair reward for the developer of any gas. Obviously, such a model is impossible for tokens.

Properties of gas

  • Entering the mechanism of private property.
    The gas model can work with containers of closed (compiled code) and treat such a container as a separate “instruction” in GONT VM.
  • Gas as a mechanism for atomic swaps [in development].
    Multicluster EVM to support hybrid gas from different Blocks.
  • Entering futures for gas consumption when binding the value of the main currency to electricity.
    The mechanism of making a speculative component of value from the main coin to the futures.
  • A natural depreciation mechanism for the cost of service.
    Switching to more low-power chips (a new generation of chips) => the cost of gas (in Joules) drops => it is even more profitable to use services.
  • Mixing of gases for new services.
    The mechanism of hybrid gas from different developers. Gas hubs.
  • Divisibility of gas.
    The gas of service transactions is further divided into quarks. Quarks are determined by the selected ISA system (the Masterpad microprocessor command system). In this case, several quark systems can be implemented in one GONT VM.At the same time, the same service gas can be realized on different quark systems. Thus, we generate competition for processor architectures.

We give incentives to involve all manufacturers of processor cores (ARM, MIPS) in the ecosystem. The entire ecosystem will be strongly tied to the development of microelectronics. The choice of gas quarks is not limited. They simply have to solve the functional tasks of gas.

– The indivisibility of complex transactions and their own microcontrollers for IoT.

Hybrid transactions (example with a gas station) imply the market launch of its own GONT microcontrollers – specifically for IoT.

Entering gas quarks
The basic theory of GONT is based on the assertion that the service transaction is the instruction (the “gas”) of the GONT VM core. But the transaction itself must be performed on a basis of even smaller instructions. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce quark instructions. The minimum executable unit of the GONT “gas” is a quark. Quark is an instruction (real, not virtual) of the chosen processor architecture. In the case of EVM Ethereum, quarks are instructions for the x86 processor.But GONT extends this paradigm.

– Approach with the input of Trace cache. Functional modules (FU) are converted into processor elements (PE).GONT can take as a basis any known processor architecture (including a completely new one) and integrates the architectural elements into its HW core.

The driver here is the ability to let the user enter their private (perhaps “closed”) HW or SW pieces of architecture. As a particular example – to enter a crypto processor for private, private cryptography service.

To implement quarks, we will use the known Intel method with the introduction of an intermediate Trace cache.

This approach is only necessary for the HW version of the GONT VM. For SW version, there is no need for Trace cache.Trace cache here acts in fact as a cache of Transactions (TR cache).

“PE handlers” we implement through the clustered kernel architecture. This approach will motivate many independent developers of processor architectures to join the ecosystem.


  • GONT “takes” from Ethereum a monopoly on gas. Now any service can enter its gas formally in the right way.
  • The task of “space complexity” [Prilutskii] – the development of EVM – is simplified and becomes available to any service, because EVM is generated automatically!
  • Only an approach only GONT approach can provide a currency peg to the cost of electricity with an emissions tailored to the demand for services. This currency is optimal for institutionalists.

– There is an opportunity to include in the crypto-economy of seriouspartners – miners (such as large data centers) with a predictable yield for a long period of depreciation of equipment. All this thanks to a stable service coin.

Influencing documents:

1) Sharding
GONT VM is ideal for shading. GONT gas and shardingSharding provides for the abandonment of complete nodes, which must store information about the overall state of the network and each transaction that occurs on the blockroom. Instead, each node stores a subset of this information and only acknowledges transactions relating to that subset.

2) GONT and Equalizer protocols
Vitalik Buterin about PoW and PoS and reward for minersDifferent protocols for different transactions.

3) Solidity gas of the contract is an example


Thank you for attention! Goodbye, friends.

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