GONT and accounting

in blockchain •  6 years ago 

Hello, dear readers! Today we are talking about the application of GONT technology for one of the most popular solutions for the automation of accounting – “1C: Accounting”.

1. The task
The introduction of decentralized reporting tools for the nascent market of crypto-accounting. Reporting should be consistent with the proposed new legislation. Due to the global nature of the ICO market, reporting should be compatible with the proposed new legislation in all countries at once.At the same time, we must diversify ourselves from simply cloud accounting, which, obviously, does not fit the crypto world.

2. Introduction of decentralization and architecture
It is necessary to introduce two decentralized layers:

  • The meaning of transactions (understandable for all and universally accepted by all), which need to be reflected on the old concept of “chart of accounts”.
  • Decentralized database.Here it should be noted that the usual 1C database is completely centralized and closed, and for cryptography it does not fit.

The role of GONT:

  • PoW and PoS service consolutions + data integrity.
  • Description of meanings (by injecting into GONT Space).
  • Decentralized database – DecentrDB.
  • Billing of gas consumption and billing itself.
  • Management of crypto assets through a link to ALM / ITIL.
  • IDM (identity management) in the cryptomir.

3. Actions possible in the system
Database replication rules

  • are described in the HSC (Hardware smart contract) service
    Connectors for information removal
  • Either through GONT ALM
  • Either its own scanners
    The meaning of the token

Purchase of GONT gas for GONT VM’s work on data processing and reporting.

4. General remarks
There are no primary documents for accounting – there are only digital “traces” of ICO companies in blockchains.We need to come up with many motivations for companies to use such a service and lay it down in architecture. For example, automatic rating upgrade.

The plan of accounts should be invented from scratch on the basis of the ICO market analysis.

Exact information is only in the smart contracts of companies and in the Blockchain. All other information is secondary and probabilistic.

Types of Hardware smart contracts (term in GONT) for accounting:

  • Checkers of liabilities of companies
  • Calculations – type of balance calculation
  • AI ratings for rating

Thank you for attention! We do not say goodbye, stay tuned.

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