Overview of the Rubius project. Solve problems with the help of the project. How the platform works

in blockchain •  6 years ago  (edited)

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Cryptocurrency has no global spread due to the existence of such a problem as the lack of ease of use. This happens when the user is forced to think about transferring funds between different crypto currencies all the time to save or multiply the savings. Or when the user is required to do several operations to purchase something for their money in a regular store. All these manipulations repel a huge audience of potential users because of their complexity, danger and opacity.

And not the first project is to protect the potential of the crypto currency, creating its own solutions, combining exchanges and protected wallets. However, not many succeeded in this. The criterion of success here is the elementary collection of Soft Cap in the ICO stage. Today we will consider a project that is popular with investors, due to the high indicators of the collected funds. The project is called Rubius.

Rubius is a financial platform that operates on a blockchain that integrates a modern-day crypt exchange and protected wallets of its users, automating saving and multiplying of savings.

To date, despite the spread of technology around the world, part of the population remains in a difficult situation, which is associated with limited access to banking services. Since in this case they have to use cash or barter, it is this category of people that is most vulnerable to various financial manipulations.

This problem remains even though the ubiquitous spread of mobile networks and devices should have made it easier for these people to access banking services. But traditional bureaucracy, bank risk insurance and security requirements do not give this category the desired access. The region most unreached in this plan is the Middle East, where the Shariah laws contradict the banking system as a whole. For example, basic loans, interest rates and other conventional services simply can not be available in this region on religious grounds. Banks in this case act simply - they refuse to work there.

In addition, the fraudulent policies of individual banks, which inflated financial bubbles with loan portfolios, turned out to be so insolvent that the bursting bubbles affected both the banking sector and people that never used banking services.

Crypto-currencies are created to solve these problems. This is not only their vocation, but also a mission to which they are technically fit from all sides. However, there is still no simple, intuitive mobile application that anyone can use around the world. Regardless of the level of knowledge and understanding of technology. Those projects that currently exist on the market simply manipulate this idea, creating incomprehensible products with the sole purpose of collecting more money for the ICO. And then they just do not pay attention to their idea, not bringing it to the working state, as they promised.

Solve problems with the help of the project Rubius:

Rubius offers a software solution with an endless cycle of life. It will be updated and optimized for emerging trends and regional characteristics around the world! No centralization, open source, the ability to expand and grow for the better by enthusiasts and partners around the world. The Rubius platform is based on the blockchain Ethereum, which will enable the use of a huge variety of options for using the crypto currency and its exchange within the platform.

Rubius is supposed to start as a start-up with software, but eventually it will become a global crypto-currency bank that can fully provide all the financial services needs anywhere in the world for any person. If we take into account that the population of the Earth is growing every year, and the old banking model is based on trust, then it is quite possible to foresee how the banking security resources and the elementary bureaucracy, over time, simply can not cope with the growing volume of services. And if today we are announcing a figure of 1.7 billion users who remain outside the bank coverage, then in time this figure will be many times greater.

In Rubius, they are going to use the full power of the blockchain. If before this concept the crypto-currency exchange or the crypto-currency purse were associated with incomprehensible and crooked software, then Rubius can correct it once and for all!

How the platform works:

To understand the principles of the platform, we immediately need to identify its main components. First and foremost, it's Rubiex's own exchange, which will allow all users of the platform to conduct simple and transparent exchanges.

The second component will be the safe user purse Aryl, which will act both as a decentralized storage, and as an intermediary in exchanges. Aryl Volatility Shield, in turn, will allow you to save your funds at sharp fluctuations of the rate, allowing in an automatic mode to transfer savings to the preferred asset for storage.

The third component of the Rubius platform will be the platform tokens - RUBY. They will provide both a secure exchange on the Rubiex exchange, and all internal transactions with a purse. When using these coins, all RUBY users will receive a fixed discount of 50% on all platform services. Subsequently, RUBY's tokens will also act as a trading asset, when Rubius will issue a special trading application for this.

An important aspect of the economic model of RUBY tokens is the burning of tokens. After Rubius is out on profitability, 20% of the quarterly profit will go to buy out and burn tokens. Thus, the company plans to reduce the initial number of tokens by two thirds, which will invariably affect the cost of the coin. And this is a very promising component for investors.
You can create your account on the Rubius platform both in Aryl's purse and on the Rubiex exchange. Then, due to the fact that both applications will use the cross-platform, you will use the same data for entry and for the exchange and purse.

But if you think that on this platform Rubius is limited, then you are mistaken. Over time, the main components will become decentralized applications (loan portfolios, brokerage services, etc.), where you will also need to use your common data to enter. That is, in fact, having registered on the platform once in one of the applications, in the future you will receive a huge set of financial instruments. If you want to do this in your bank, then I think you will be surprised at how many difficulties you will have. Despite the fact that bitcoin today is the number one crypto currency, its speed and cost of transactions leaves much to be desired. Rubius uses blockchain Ethereum, which allows you to significantly reduce both transaction costs and speed. Today, the average transaction time in this blockchain is about seven minutes, and the average cost is only 1 USD.

The company Rubius does not stop at providing purely financial services. Their area of interest also includes a program for an accessible and ubiquitous Internet. For this purpose, they plan to enter into a cooperation agreement with SpaceX or Blue Origin. I think that you perfectly understand why this sphere interests the company Rubius. In addition to the obvious prospects of this business, there is still the compatibility of concepts and the interest of the company itself in a greater number of potential customers. If this partnership takes place, then we will get a really interesting service provider, covering several areas of activity.


I believe that the Rubius project can become the first representative of the blockchain, which not only eliminates borders with real business, but also establishes a solid foundation for a blockchain revolution in all spheres of economic and social life. The project has everything for this reason.

The uniqueness of the article here - 100 %

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