in blockchain •  7 years ago 

The biggest news that the world’s tech industry has been making this year is not of cutting-edge devices that will redefine the world or take us to the next generation, most of the headlines have sadly been for the wrong reasons. Scandal upon scandal, the tech industry corporations have shown themselves to not be the so cool guys we all thought they were. People we gladly gave up our private information, credit card details and other sensitive data trusting that they are in safe hands and that no one under no circumstances will be allowed to access them no less abuse them or use them against us.
It was indeed fitting that Facebook the absolute behemoth of the tech world with over a third of the world’s population using one or two of its services was outted to be among the most grossly negligent and utterly incompetent to safeguard the integrity of its users’ data. It is no news that the world’s tech companies are the new giants of all industries, as data has become the oil of our age. Users for long have been led to believe that these techies are offering them “free services”, not knowing the immensely mind-boggling potential of their data in generating hundreds of billions of dollars every year. That being said, it was not till the present spate of scandals with Facebook and Cambridge Analytica, as well as other tech companies that the world finally woke up to the more sinister dangers of letting the tech corps unfettered access to our privacies. But as with all ages and with all pressing problems that face humanity, a solution is in sight, which is where the #be platform comes in.

The #be Profiling+Blockchain Alternative
It is often said that the good or bad in any technology is down to how it gets used. Profiling technologies in the past few years have become so good but unfortunately these technologies have been subverted and are not being channeled toward enhancing the control of the user over their data or optimizing their experiences. The #be platform has a cutting-edge profiling (snapshot and matching) that is under the complete control of the user and with the aid of another component (blockchain) of the platform will revolutionize the data industry.
The blockchain technology for the past 10 years has shown itself to be among the most versatile and highly disruptive technologies ever made, as it has been able to cause major tectonic shifts in the world of finance and banking. This revolutionary technology is what powers #be, a unique platform that takes the myriad of problems facing the present data industry head-on, with the aim of providing sweeping cutting-edge solutions that will eliminate these challenges and finally make the industry equitable and most importantly rewarding for the users.
The disruption that the #be platform is aiming to help bring about is in the core belief that the users in the present internet world are completely sidelined and not accorded the rights and respects they deserve. The visionary creators of the #be platform fervently believe that the user has every right to their privacy as far as their internet activities are concerned, and that should they ever choose to share their valuable data with any advertiser of products and services, they should also get premium value in return in the form of monetary benefits. This being its primary objective, #be is creating a first of its kind revolutionary ecosystem that puts users at the very center of all things and in total control of their personal data as they go about their routine internet activities.
Better Value For Investment
In any ad industry, the primary investors are the businesses and companies that shell out precious resources in order to get to their target audience and boost their sales. Presently, the industry is one that pushes these businesses into rampant, inefficient and highly wasteful spending with ads that lack precision. Other crippling issues plaguing the industry include the rising problems of bots being used to siphon precious ad resources from advertisers, the inordinate number of middlemen in aby Advert ecosystem, and a general lack of transparency as far as budget allocation is concerned. #be with the consent of the user eliminates this major problem (which drives up costs of goods and services anyway) and matches the users that are most likely to be interested in a business’ services and with the aid of cutting-edge smart contract feature, pays the user for that privilege. Publishers are not left off either on the #be platform, as the huge losses in precious revenue associated with the present haphazard ad industry is eliminated ensuring publishers get the most from the ads run on their platforms.
A Seamless Working Process
The #be process is a carefully streamlined one that affords the user maximum ease in interacting and benefitting from the full worth of their digital activities. The hope is that in the times ahead, #be will become to go-to connection utility service platform for all online services and future apps. First after signing up on the platform get the full array of user-friendly #be toolkit which aids in the exchange of value that begins between them and advertisers. Whether on mobile or on a desktop setting the intuitive #be tools take snaps of their digital activities and securely transfers them to their #be portal. With the aid of smart contracts users and then easily monetize these shots with advertisers that have been matched to things they are most likely to have interest in. Once paid in the #be token, the users are able to access and exclusive marketplace of goods and services with which they can use their tokens to make purchases. #be stands at monetization of digital activities and personal data as Airbnb stands at monetization of private rooms and flats. Imagine which value would have an Airbnb crypto currency if this company had issued a token few years ago. Now you see the potential of #be
#be is a platform that was carefully crafted with the problems of the data industry close to mind and has been equipped with solutions that will be highly effective in tackling them. The best and most important benefit of the #be platform, however, will be the sense of sanity, true privacy and total control that will be given to the most important figure of them all, the internet users.
#be will launch the ICO on 27th September 2018. To get involved, go online to Beico.Info.
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