About WDX
Cryptocurrency seems to be the latest technological trend that many investors are recently focusing on. Cryptocurrency trading also comes with its own challenges and these challenges arise because of the nature of the market and the fact that it uses blockchain technology, a decentralized approach, and platform.
The challenges in cryptocurrency exchange have been a major setback to the growth of the industry and this points to the reason why the market is not globally adopted so far. Poor liquidity, poor market regulations, long process of compliance and complex integration are some of the challenges plaguing cryptocurrencies. Financial Institutions and banking sector benefits from these factors and government are planning to legalize the digital currencies.
Additionally, some of these exchanges are plagued with poor security and lack of investor's protection that a more regulated financial sector enjoys. There have been multiple dozens of cryptocurrency heists since 2011 and there are situations where many hacked exchanges had to shut down. A huge amount of bitcoins that would have worth more have been stolen while only a few have been recovered.
weiDex is a fully featured decentralized exchange (DEX). It guarantees the highest possible security, full transparency, and open source logic. The main idea behind the decentralized exchange is the removal of the third party and it doesn’t need to collect your personal data like email, name or identification number. All the logic is held by the smart contract. Hence only the users have the tendency to control their assets thereby making human mistakes very impossible. weiDex supports all Ethereum based tokens and by the end of the year, we will also support Neo based tokens.
wеiDеx is an еxchangе markеt that doеs not nееd to rеly on a third partysеrvicе to hold thе customеr's assеts. Instеad, thе tradеs occur dirеctly bеtwееn usеrs (pееr to pееr) through an automatеd procеss callеd smart contract.wеiDеx is a fully fеaturеd dеcеntralizеd еxchangе (DеX). It guarantееs thе highеst possiblе sеcurity, full transparеncy, and opеn sourcе logic.
Thе main idеa bеhind thе dеcеntralizеd еxchangе is thе rеmoval of thе third party.
- Low Operational Cost.
- weiDex is cost-effective and minimizes time wastage.
- The platform is created in a very fast and efficient blockchain network.
- You will only be charged little or no amount thereby making you deploy a payment service of your own.
Cross Chain Transactions
- The team will create one big ecosystem in which users can trade currencies in a decentralized way. Without any third parties.
- The technology used to tackle the problem with cross-chain trading is atomic swaps.
Multiple order fullfilment- set an order for a certain amount and our smart contract will make sure to take as many transactions as needed to fulfill your request, while you get charged for just one transaction.
Our Vision
We are going to make decentralized exchanges widely used and the main method for transferring crypto assets. Our vision is to provide the best services to our clients, from the user interface and user experience to the usability and performance. We will create a great, strong community with brave dreams like ours. Our main task to achieve our dream is to develop a decentralized technology for cross-chain transactions.
WeiDex aims to demonstrate and supply the globe with the total power of suburbanized exchange and decentralization systems. The team can write the proper path for all traders, blockchain enthusiasts, and future generations. cluster dreams of full transparency, high security and peer to see exchange while not unreliable third parties and high taxes. The team can eliminate corruption and everything in everyone's hands. If you share our beliefs and you've got similar dreams, you'll be able to support our project, be part of our teams and participate in the weiDex and blockchain revolution. For the intense options of our generation and therefore the next generation.
We have a lot of advantages over centralized exchanges. Most of them are about security, privacy, availability, and transparency.
We also have advantages over other existing decentralized exchanges:
- Referral System Program
- Low Fees
- Multiple Order Fulfillment
- Tokens Airdrop
- Cross-Chain Transactions
weiDex Token (WDX)
Token WDX
Platform Ethereum
Type ERC-20
Price in ICO 1 WDX = 0.0011 ETH
Tokens for sale 30,000,000
Investment info
Accepting BTC, ETH
Distributed in ICO 60%
Hard cap 15,000,000 USD
September 2017
Forming the team
December 2017
Decentralized Exchange Idea
February 2018
Early development stage
May 2018
Start Marketing Campaign
1st August 2018
weiDex Beta Release
15th August 2018
weiDex Official Release
August 2018
Listing weiDex utility token and airdrop for loyal users
October 2018
Neo and Neo based tokens integration with weiDex
Striving for Cross-chain transactions in weiDex
You can support the project by joining:
Website: https://weidex.market
Whitepaper: https://weidex.market/images/whitepaper.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/IvU-mxJSkHeHzcms-S1ZYQ
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WeiDex-163716047661387/?_rdc=2&_rdr
Twitter: https://twitter.com/weidex2
Bounty: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4591905.msg41439556#msg41439556
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3528227.0
#WeiDex #IEO #TokenSale #startup #BountyCampaign #Investment #Cryptocurrency #Blockchain #Exchange #Crowdfunding
Forum Username : andal02
Forum Profile link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1566211
wallet address 0x0e73B7eB5a98731e25fcCf33919cED46a7aE0e50