Week of August 27th and September 1st
Changes made through this week to AssetFun
Bugs Fixed
[AssetFun Wallet] Resolved the language switch problem of Chinese and English when refreshing wallet page form.
[AssetFun Wallet] Fixed the bug of token list style displayed error when new created user receiving tokens(not AFT).
Work Completed
[AssetFun Core] Upgraded the main net to deploy Delayed Transfer function.
[AssetFun Wallet] Modified the translation of frozen details.
[AssetFun Wallet] Added an restriction on inputting transfer amount when AFT balance is 0.
Working in Progress
[AssetFun Wallet] Improving some details of web wallet.
Website: https://assetfun.org/
Mainnet: https://assetfun.net/
Telegram: http://t.me/assetfun
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AssetFun