What would a blockchain government possibly look like?

in blockchain •  8 years ago 

After reading the article:


I was struck with the idea of a government blockchain.

Imagine still having mostly the same structure, but with the addition of blockchain. Allow the citizens that want to to run nodes. This cuts down on costs of maintaining the blockchain. Also, all spending would be review-able by the public. Corrupt expenditures would be harder to account for, also, evoting could be applied to the whole state/government. Voting from your personal signature (harder to falsify identities) and doing it from your home or cell phone.

What are your thoughts?

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And the government would know how much money you have, where you got it, where you spend it, and what you spend it on. This is not a good thing.

It's a great thought, but it's far to open to potential abuse. I am writing an ongoing fictional series which I plan to explore the dangers of blockchain technology in.

You can check it out here if you are interested.