Godzillion – Angel Investing for the Masses.
With the rate of new ICO/token offerings and the DApps that go with them, the blockchain universe can be a confusing space. How do you keep up? How do you find the good from the bad, the beautiful from the ugly?
The short answer is – you can’t. The long answer is, you can’t without deep research and even then it’s a gamble. The question is, should you therefore ignore it and stay in your comfy bubble? The short and long answer to that is a resounding NO!
Distributed Ledger Technology (Blockchain, null fabric, Directed Acyclic Graph) has the potential to change the world. To lead the way, applications need to be built that allow the public to readily adopt them to do things easier or more cost effectively (or both) that they can’t today.
Godzillion is one of those apps. It’s a start-up funding service where we, the public can vote on and invest in start-up companies. Traditionally new businesses raise capital from some, one or all of the following;
- Own Money
- Own money plus loans/investments from friends and family
- Venture Capitalists
- Angel Investors
- Crowd Funding
- Bank Loans
- Grants
Very few of us can take advantage of those avenues to invest in start-ups, to be part of the next Facebook, Uber, Airbnb or other idea. The people who make money from investing in start-ups are generally the people who already have more than enough money.
There are of course equity crowdfunding sites and you can invest as little as £10, that’s probably not going to make your fortune and it’s not going to matter much if you have to wait 5 years before you see a return on your money. But if you invested £1000 then it might be different, who knows whether you’ll need that money 3 years down the line.
One of the problems Godzillion seeks to cure is that ‘liquidity’. The tokens can be sold/traded and you can cash out without hurting the start-up (they don’t have to repay the money they may still very much need) and you don’t have to pay high fees to sell your ‘shares’.
The other benefit is that we, the investors get to vote on whether a project goes through to be funded. You can decide not only whether to invest but also what projects go through and, get paid to vote.
Imagine that, you vote and regardless of whether you vote yes or no, you earn a little extra. If your vote is on the winning side, whether that’s the yes or no side, then you get paid. If you’re on the winning side, you get paid more, but even if you’re vote is on the losing side, you still earn.
Godzillion then benefits both the start-up and the investor. The start-up can put together a business plan and put it out for voting. Once they get past that, the money raised is theirs, the investor has a token that has value, that is immutable, private and tradeable.
If you’d like more information check out https://godzillion.io/ and do your due diligence before you invest. Always remember that, no matter how good an idea, there are NO guarantees, never invest money you can ill afford.