Benefits of using Blockchain - Provenance

in blockchain •  4 years ago 

Let's talk about the benefits of using blockchain, today we will start with Provenance and answer 3 questions:

Question #1: How does blockchain enable digital provenance?

Blockchain enables the digital provenance because everything from transactions, to the products used in the production of food items has it's footprint on blockchain and can be looked at.
All can be checked and verified. It brings certainty and we know where it comes from.

Question #2: Why doesn’t a normal database bring the same provenance?

Simply put because only the central authority can add to it and change it, therefore we must rely on their performance. People can be corrupted and blockchain can't.

Question #3: Why is digital provenance such a great benefit to many businesses?

First time in human history we can track and trace all elements of production, the origin trail and transaction details on the blockchain. There is no need for trust as blockchain is decentralized.

#blockchain #provenance #smartcontracts #LINK #ETH #BTC #trustless #future #cardano

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