NexonNFT is a blockchain-based project completely focused on users. The project is a combination of revolutionizing ideas, a robust business plan, and many of the latest technologies. The project has fully-featured products and services including NFT marketplaces, NFT games, Nexon Pay, Defi/NFT Lending, NFT Staking, and Nexon Bridge. Developing such a project required expertise and knowledge, but there was more to deal with.
There are many NFT projects out there, but not many projects are focused on the end-user. Thus, some minor problems that could have been solved earlier are still here and have been tormenting the users.
Since NexonNFT is focused on users, without solving all these problems we can’t achieve our goals. So here are some of the end-user problems that NexonNFT solved.
Some known Problems of NFT that Nexon NFT Solved
Limited Payment Methods
Different countries & NFT marketplace have different supported payment options, additionally, there was no universal payment gateway. These limited and complicated payment options make buying and selling hard. End-users from certain regions were not able to buy NFTs.
Our project NexonNFT includes a payment solution called Nexon Pay. This payment solution will have many essential features that the current industry is looking for. Users can access the payment platform from anywhere with any smart device and it will be the default payment gateway on the NexonNFT marketplace
Poor customer support
Whenever users (buyers or sellers) get stuck on the platform about something the first thing they look for is help from customer support. In the initial stage, the main goal of NFTs was to protect the artists and their income, but when some startups entered this area they focused more on revenue generation methods and stuff. On most of the platforms, there is no one to help and guide the users, this is what frustrates the users the most.
NexonNFT will focus on the people it is serving, whether you are a gamer (or buyer) or an NFT game developer (seller/supplier) you will be heard here. Problems faced by you will be resolved, and guidance will be provided. By involving responsible people in our project, we are ensuring that you get the best customer support in the market.
Current NFT platforms are a complete mess
Whether you are a buyer, seller, or just a visitor anticipating the NFT Marketplace to be the platforms of the future, you will be disappointed to see the state of these platforms. Lack of features, guidance, data, and very confusing UI/UX are some of the major reasons behind this condition.
These problems can be easily solved by hiring experienced developers and designers and that’s what we at NexonNFT did. We hired experienced developers and designers who will build robust and fully-featured NFT platforms where users can buy and sell games, artwork, virtual real estate, interior design, recipes, and some other services.
Intricate Fee Structure
The fee structure of NFT Marketplace is always under question. This involves large fees that first-time sellers may not be aware of, which can significantly reduce profit margins or even lead to losses. Fees fluctuate between sites, and these platforms also require a digital wallet, so users should take into account conversion fees between different forms of cryptocurrencies. But since there is no governing body over them, the fee is something the site has complete control over.
NexonNFT is making the fee structure simple and easily understandable, with Nexon Pay and Nexon Token the company will ensure that the fee structure no longer bothers the user.
NexonNFT is truly a revolution in the NFT market and you can help it to grow by buying Nexon tokens that can be used in the complete Nexon NFT ecosystem. Since the number of tokens is limited the price of Nexon tokens will rise soon which will help the investors to generate good ROI.