Datafund - secure and profitable management of your information

in blockchain •  7 years ago  (edited)

When providing personal data to other people or companies, a modern person can doubt the subsequent legality and confidentiality of its use. It is now possible to get a loan, arrange obligations, become a guarantor for another person's loan, etc., just having passport data without the document itself. It is not surprising that a user pays special attention to this information and tries to keep it confidential. After all, confidentiality is the human right, which is the basis of personal freedom, based on the use of information. As shown by the recent events of Facebook hacking, personal data can be severely compromised and illegally used by many companies. Datafund is a protocol that protects personal data, ensures its safe storage and exchange. Users will be able to create their own Datafund to store and manage data in frames of the project.

Key Features of Datafund

The issue of security when working with human information is the key. People are afraid to open their data to other companies because of the probability of unauthorized use of information. Datafund platform allows people to own and manage their personal information, providing access for each request on an individual basis. Datafund provides completely transparent work based on the blockchain technology without shadow intermediaries and hidden oversight. Partnership with individuals creates new incomes for enterprises.

Advantages of Datafund

Each person gets the opportunity to monitor personal data with the help of the platform. A person can consent to use the data and cancel it at his/her discretion. The information cannot be viewed even from the technical support service of the company - a user is 100% sure of the confidentiality of the information provided by him/her. Due to the creation of personal Datafund platform, a user is able to additionally earn internal DEX project tokens.


Enterprises can also profitably use the platform to generate additional revenue. Datafund platform offers transparent data exchange with the consent of individuals who generate the value of CRM in an additional revenue stream. In addition, Datafund opens up new data streams for more efficient updating and replenishment of consumer databases.

DataFund is a new form of personal data storage, where organizations are encouraged to provide data to people and participate in a fair exchange of data among themselves. Participants providing specific information receive a reward from the project. Calculations on the platform are facilitated by smart contracts, which ensures the rapid receipt of funds to the account without paying a commission.

Datafund platform can easily connect and integrate information into other decentralized servers. The work of Datafund fully complies with the GDPR standards. Thanks to the use of the GDPR, not only the residents of the European Union are protected, but also the users of Datafund platform around the world in terms of data unification and full control over the use of information.

Datafund cryptocurrency

The project uses DEX tokens to perform internal calculations within the platform. They are based on the Ethereum-based ERC-20 standard. 40% of all the issued cryptocurrency, are allocated for sale. The remaining tokens are distributed between the reserve for the development of the ecosystem (22%) and the payment of the team's services (20%). The project’s softcap is 3,000 ETH, hardcap - 20,000 ETH. The fixed price is 50 000 DEX for 1 ETH. When buying for more than 100 ETH, a user receives 25% bonus. The crowdsale is scheduled for the third quarter of the current year.



Thus, Datafund platform provides not only reliable storage of its users' data, but also the ability to manage them. With the help of Datafund, users will be able to provide their information to companies for a fee, thus receiving a passive source of income. The attracted investments are planned to be allocated mainly to the development of the technical base of the project (57%). Now Datafund project is in an active development stage, and soon the developers will present the beta version of the platform. The launch of Datafund in full functionality is scheduled for 2020.



This article was created in exchange for a potential token reward through Bounty0x.

Bounty0x username : the1arty

This review by Bonanza Kreep is all opinion and analysis, not investment advice.

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