Tokenlend - blockchain-powered lending platform

in blockchain •  6 years ago 


TokenLend is a new platform that provides a unique and profitable opportunity to invest in loans secured by real estate, using both the usual fiat currency an cryptocurrency for this purpose. Investors willing to invest insignificant amounts often face certain difficulties that TokenLend system is ready to effectively eliminate. Thus, they will receive a ready-made, reliable portfolio, which is confirmed by credit and has good competitive advantages, as well as real prospects for high profitability.

TokenLend developers are extremely trustworthy, because they work more than 10 years in this business and have more than 100 million satisfied and wealthy users around the world, as well as more than 10 products that are in demand and trust. Great experience in the development of various software helps TokenLend team to create really useful, reliable and necessary for people products. TokenLend offers users a unique and convenient loan portfolio from reliable credit loan providers, as well as a user-friendly interface for each person. Initially, the work occurs only with mortgage loans, where the property used is collateral. In this case, the need for a combination of low risks and high incomes for each user still remains.

TokenLend is a decentralized platform that uses blockchain technology based on the Etherium network in its work. Smart contracts, as well as transactions in the system, which are carried out with their own tokens, guarantee the stability and security of user data.


TokenLend system works in the following way:

• Each user has a reliable personal account in the system to provide a request for a new loan. Further information about a loan is thoroughly checked, confirmed, and only after that a loan agreement is prepared and published on the platform;

• Users confirm the fact that they are participating in this loan, and then TLN token is converted to a specific loan. Further, with the help of smart contracts, the amount of credit transferred in favor of a borrower in the number of TLN tokens is registered, and an accurate schedule is drawn up, according to which the debt will be repaid in accordance with temporary and other, predetermined conditions;

• The amount of tokens that was received from all the users who took part is those transfers that were made by different people in favor of a borrower and represent the required loan amount;

• A user who requested the loan (borrower) should clearly, in accordance with a pre-defined schedule, pay off a loan payment along with the required interest in TLN token to the special account;

• After the last transaction was performed by a borrower, fully covering the loan amount and interest, the payment schedule is closed;

• As a result, the loan is considered repaid, and the wallet address for sending tokens to cover it is permanently removed, and the process is considered to be fully completed.


At the moment, the situation with loans looks like this: borrowers are offered mortgage loans with an average rate from 10 to 14%. At the same time, they are able to get cash from other sources at a rate much lower - from about 5 to 8%. In this case, the capabilities of TokenLend are at the right time, and the system unites the parties in mutually beneficial cooperation. Thus, borrowers receive the funds they need on favorable terms, in comparison with what any traditional banking system could offer them, and TokenLend users can make profitable investments with guaranteed profitability. TokenLend creates such conditions that the price policy turns out to be rather favorable for both parties. Interest on the loan will depend on the circumstances of a particular case, for example, on the status of the loan portfolio, etc. If investors sell TLN tokens to other investors within the platform, they will have to pay a commission for this. Also the commission will be implied in the event of converting the TokenLend currency into financial funds.

The possession of TLN tokens grants the right to become a member of the TokenLend platform and to receive corresponding benefits. So, holders can invest in any loan and get good interest for it.

Traditional credit system has many drawbacks, which TokenLend helps to solve. So, the information about users is reliably stored in the framework of the platform, and the loan can be received quickly, at favorable interest rates, and it is easy to repay it within the automated blockchain-based system, and creditors can make profitable investments by replenishing their wallet account. 


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