GOLOS is apparently not much of a fighter, which is not typical for the Russians. What's going on Russion brothers?

in blockchain •  8 years ago 

GOLOS is accumulating on low price level, is that possible that all Russians just trowing away their GOLOS?  

I think they don't trowing their stakes, they just don't really understand how things work on their block chain, that is a pretty shame, because they don't realize how magnificent platform they have for growth and learn.    

It's obvious they have a bad marketing strategy, also developers are kind a lazy so there is nothing happen on UI (as we know seed phase of every project is MUST to be boosted up with constantly updating features and documentation about the project road map and achievements) 

This is how charts look's now, red line is avrage trade price.

@butan is Early supporter of steemit and also supporting Golos, check golos.io/@burke

Tweeter account.

Burke on TradingView

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It's time to shake things up.

Shall we help our brother Rusians by post on Golos ? :)

Apsolutly... :)

It's only in Russian though isn't it?

You can also use it... Just register and select english language in settings.

I did not know this