Blockchain for Newbies

in blockchain •  7 years ago 

When I first joined Steemit precisely 38 days ago, I did not know much about blockchain and cryptocurrency.


I just knew it was a technology with a lot of growth power and that Bitcoin had some involvement with it, I had no idea how this worked, much less how people invested and made money.

Through some friends I discovered Steemit, they explained to me some things and how the platform worked, for me it was very new and very difficult to understand, it was a new world that I was never curious about.

After much trouble posting my #introduceyourself I went to break up the steemit world, look for users who post things of my interest, read, comment and give upvote. After this discovery marathon (which took about 2 days) it was time to make my second post, but I'm not a person with many specific hobbies, I like everything a little and nothing too deep.

I was eager to speak my first impressions and the experiences I was having with all of this, but what would I, a newbie, have to say? I then decided to post on other areas of my knowledge that might be more interesting than a newbie talking about Steemit.

As time went by I became more involved with the platform and all this world of blockchain and its cryptocurrency, every day that passed I caught myself studying, reading articles and accompanying the ups and downs that the cryptos have.

I know that only 38 days isn’t enough to learn very much, I'm still a newbie. But now I have the courage to (MAYBE) write a little more about my discoveries about cryptos.

For those who are pro it will not be interesting but here is the link of the book I am reading.

Thanks for reading

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I learned about blockchain tech around August 2017 and am now obsessed with it. I am actually a developer and am both interested in the value and developing the tech. I’ve recently been thinking about making an article on blockchain for newbies. I’m definitely upvoting and following you! :D

I don't know nothing about it. I'm lost haha
I'll read this book, tks :)

Também sei muito pouco sobre o assunto porém creioque vai ser bastante importante num futuro próximo. Li recentemente que o BNDES também vai ter sua própria bitcoin. Isso é um sinal que o governo brasileiro aprova a ideia, ao contrário de alguns países que tentam restringir de qualquer maneira o bitcoin.